Chapter 431 The Ancient Forest
It didn't end like this, Ye Qianyue waved her hand gently, and the energy of the Ten Thousand Flowers system turned into soft petals, wrapping everyone up.

"Don't move, just breathe normally." Wrapped in petals, before everyone could panic, Ye Qianyue's voice, as still as still water, came over.

Although there was a bit of uneasiness in their hearts, everyone was still obedient and stood still.

They could clearly feel the pure energy seeping into their bodies, and when everyone breathed, the pollen that had penetrated into their bodies was also brought out.

Soon, the energy was withdrawn, and the pollen collected from everyone also condensed into a fist-sized ball.

Tightly wrapped in pink energy, the purple pollen exudes a strong aroma.

"There are so many!" Nalan Rongze looked at so many pollen, his complexion sank at the moment. '

The pollen is inhaled by them through breathing and hidden in their bodies.

If these pollen were really bad things, wouldn't they be killed by these pollen invisibly!
They all had the same idea as Nalan Rongze, and everyone's expressions became very ugly for a while.

"Although I don't know what the pollen is for, it must be a bad thing if it settles in the body." Saying this, Ye Qianyue quickly took out several jade bottles and divided the pollen into ten parts evenly. , into a jade bottle.

Seeing that Ye Qianyue wanted to keep this thing, everyone's expressions changed instantly.

"Miss Ye, since this thing is so dangerous, don't keep it. If something happens, it will be bad..." Seeing Ye Qianyue's actions, Shanxiong said with some trepidation.

"Suppressed by my energy, the fragrance of these pollen can't spread out." Saying this, Ye Qianyue has sealed these bottles with the energy of the Wanhua system, and then put them into the space of the scepter.

For a moment, all the aromas in the barrier disappeared, and the air seemed extraordinarily fresh.

Everyone smelled the clothes on their bodies and found that the fragrance had completely disappeared before they were finally relieved.

"Let's go on, presumably as long as this miasma comes out, we will know what the pollen can attract." There was a vigilant cold light in the eyes, Ye Qianyue said so, and quickly rushed out .

Si Linyuan followed closely behind, and Nalan Rongze and others also quickly followed.

The barrier of the Wanhua system is obviously more useful than imagined. Those miasmas also seemed to be very jealous when they saw Ye Qianyue and his party, and they took the initiative to make way for everyone to pass.

In this way, everyone saved a lot of time, instead of taking a detour in the forest like they did at the beginning, they quickly rushed out of the fog.

Soon, everyone rushed out of the fog and saw a forest.

Bits of sunlight were cut by the leaves, and scattered on everyone's faces, very dazzling.

Countless towering trees shot straight into the sky, and through the gaps in the leaves, everyone could still see the clear blue sky.

For a moment, everyone was stunned in place, with astonishment on their faces.

This, how is this possible, why is it daytime in the ancient forest? !
Thinking that when they rushed into the fog, it was still night, and they didn't spend too long in the fog. Why did it suddenly clear up today? !

 Today's tickets are not enough, dear friends~~ Hurry up, beg for tickets~~~ Update on time and ask for tickets~~ More tickets will be added~!

(End of this chapter)

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