Chapter 433 How did you lead the way!
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"Ah? Miss Ye, we are the leading team now, shouldn't we continue to move forward, why should we hide?" A mercenary asked in confusion at the moment.

This is also the doubt of all mercenaries. At this moment, everyone is waiting for Ye Qianyue's answer.

"It's good to be in the lead, but you can't be the first bird." The golden eyes narrowed slightly, and Si Linyuan glanced over everyone's faces, and then smiled softly.

The mediocre face suddenly became lively because of this smile. The jewel-like eyes and deep and seductive voice made everyone feel as if they saw the iceberg melting and the ice lotus blooming. Although it was still cold, it was unparalleled in beauty .

And when everyone was stunned, Si Linyuan's moving voice, like jade beads splashing on a jade plate, sounded again, "Don't you all wonder what the pollen is for?"

Hearing Si Linyuan's voice with a hint of a smile, everyone nodded in unison as if they had been bewitched.

Since they decided to stay and have a look, everyone hid in the tree and waited quietly.

And it didn't take long before the two figures rushed out of the smoke, looking a bit embarrassed.

The long skirts on his body were all wet with water vapor, and the two people in front of him were obviously two young women.

There is an intoxicating fragrance on their bodies, and the appearance and temperament of the two women are completely different.

I saw the woman in the lead, wearing a long pink dress, with all kinds of beaded flowers on her head, she was just like a pheasant in the mountains, the meanness in her eyes forcibly ruined that charming face, let her see It looks kind of annoying.

Compared to the woman in the pink skirt, the other woman in a taupe-colored dress looks much better.

Although her appearance is not as good as that of the woman in the pink skirt, the woman in front of her has a pair of beautiful dark blue eyes like the sea. Although the eyes are beating with soft light, she is not delicate, but has a heroic spirit that ordinary women do not have, which makes people look at it at a glance , but couldn't help being immersed in her charming temperament, unable to extricate herself.

But at this time, the woman in the taupe-colored dress quickly looked around, and then immediately frowned, "Senior Sister Ruyan, we seem to have separated from senior brother and the others."

"What? You bastard, light yellow, how did you lead the way!" Hearing what Mu light Huang said, Liu Ruyan screamed, and her entire face was distorted in anger, "You little bastard, I knew , You must have taken a fancy to Eldest Brother, so you deliberately separated me from him! I warn you, Eldest Brother is mine, so don't try to snatch it from me."

"Why are you so crazy, woman, and when did the elder brother become yours? You should stop putting gold on your face." A flash of light flashed across the dark blue eyes, and Mu Qianhuang looked at him coldly. Glancing at Liu Ruyan, "You'd better not look for trouble, I have the energy jade token given by the senior brother here, as long as we rely on the jade token, we will be able to join the senior senior brother and the others soon."

"What?! Eldest brother's energy jade card! How could this kind of thing be on your body? Why didn't the elder brother give it to me?!" Liu Ruyan yelled immediately after hearing Mu Qianhuang's words.

"It's up to you to ask yourself." Mu Qianhuang gave Liu Ruyan a cold look, then quickly took out the clear water beads, and moved the beads with his thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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