Chapter 449 It Was Just a Kick
Seeing this, Ye Qianfeng just waved his hand lightly, and then a breeze blew by, and immediately lifted the knees of the five people who were about to fall.

"A man has gold under his knees, so it shouldn't be like this. Besides, I just fulfilled my responsibility." As the senior senior brother of the Nine Star Sect, it is his due duty to protect the juniors.

Hearing this, Zhou Yeli and the others were even more moved, their eyes turned red, and their gazes became more and more grateful.

Seeing that everyone was fine, Ye Qianfeng suddenly thought of something, turned to look at Ye Qianyue, "Xiaoyue, how did you know I was in danger?"

"We met the other two from your Nine Star Sect." Immediately thinking of Liu Ruyan, Ye Qianyue's smile faded a little.

"That must be Senior Sister Ruyan and Senior Sister Light Huang!" Zhou Yeli smiled happily, and then looked nervously at Ye Qianyue, "Miss Ye, are you okay, Senior Sister and Senior Sister?"

"They should all be alive." Before that, she kicked Liu Ruyan angrily, but Ye Qianyue also knew that that kick would seriously injure Liu Ruyan at most, and would not kill her.

What Liu Ruyan did before made Ye Qianyue very angry. Fortunately, Ye Qianfeng is fine today, otherwise, she would definitely let that Liu Ruyan pay for it with her life!
Who knew that so many things had happened, everyone breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Mu Qianhuang was fine.

"So, you found it by relying on the jade card in Junior Sister Qianhuang's hand?" Ye Qianfeng saw something wrong in Ye Qianyue's expression, and asked immediately.

Shaking her head, Ye Qianyue lowered her eyes to cover up the flashing cold light in her eyes, "Liu Ruyan purposely crushed the jade tablet, and wanted me not to come to my elder brother."

"Why?!" Everyone asked in unison.

"Because, she regards me as my eldest brother's lover." As she said that, Ye Qianyue snorted coldly, and put her arms around Ye Qianfeng's arm, "Brother, I know you don't like that kind of woman, you Don't worry, I've taught her a lesson for you."

"... Xiaoyue, you should be merciful, right?" Knowing Ye Qianyue's temper, Ye Qianfeng also knew that her strikes were never serious.

"Well, it's just a kick." Ye Qianyue replied casually.

Hearing this, Zhou Yeli and the others stopped being nervous and quickly laughed.

Isn't it just a kick? It should be no big deal!
But this idea was soon turned into scum, Zhou Yeli and the other five saw that Ye Qianyue had directly beaten Liu Ruyan to serious injuries with one kick, their bodies trembled violently, thinking tremblingly, in the future No matter who you offend, you can't offend Ye Qianyue...

It was indeed the one who was the most slandered by everyone, but Liu Ruyan's popularity was so bad that everyone annoyed her on weekdays, so they just gave her some potion to restore meridians, and waited quietly for her and Mu Qianhuang Wake up.

Both of them were given excellent potions, so soon, both of them woke up.

"Hiss..." After waking up, Mu Qianhuang moved her body, and immediately gasped in pain.

"Junior Sister Qianhuang, you're finally awake!" Zhou Yeli and the others all smiled when they saw Mu Qianhuang woke up.

Although Mu Qianhuang was not as good-looking as Liu Ruyan, she had an excellent personality and was much more popular than Liu Ruyan. Now that she woke up, everyone came over to care about her injury.

 Ask for a ticket, ask for a reward~~~ A lot of tickets, a lot of rewards, there will be more tonight~
(End of this chapter)

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