Chapter 451 I'm so scared
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Goosebumps had three layers, and Ye Qianyue shook her body, "Can't you talk well, it really makes people's teeth sour!"

Hearing this, Liu Ruyan's complexion suddenly changed, and the frailty in her eyes turned into venomous anger, and she shouted, "What did you say?!"

Immediately afterwards, Ye Qianyue was seen standing beside Ye Qianfeng, Liu Ruyan almost gritted her teeth!

I think that although Ye Qianfeng is very approachable and gentle, he does not allow any woman to be too close to him, even standing by his side like this, but Ye Qianfeng, who has always been indifferent, made an exception today and let Ye Qianyue Stand by her side!
Looking at Ye Qianyue's incomparably perfect face, Liu Ruyan was extremely angry, and after being too angry, deep fear appeared in his eyes.

She examined Ye Qianyue's face carefully, trying to find any flaws in her face.

However, just like when she saw Ye Qianyue for the first time, no, no flaws at all, Ye Qianyue is like the most perfect masterpiece created by the heavens, every part is perfect without any flaws, let Liu Ruyan is envious, envious to the point of jealousy!
Such a woman, even she is also a woman, is so amazed. I think there is no man in this world who can refuse her!

Seeing Liu Ruyan's angry look, Ye Qianyue raised her eyebrows, and the smile on her lips widened, she instantly understood that Liu Ruyan had misunderstood her relationship with Ye Qianfeng.

With dark eyes narrowed slyly, Ye Qianyue smiled at Si Linyuan.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's cunning fox-like appearance, Si Linyuan smiled, knowing that this little guy was about to play tricks again.

One look can tell the other person's mind, Si Linyuan guessed what Ye Qianyue was going to do, and nodded immediately.

With her husband's consent, Ye Qianyue slightly narrowed her eyes, and immediately showed a beautiful smile.

The originally cold face instantly became vivid, and Ye Qianyue was like a peony in full bloom, her gestures and gestures were all touching and elegant, but she also carried the delicate beauty unique to girls, which immediately stunned all the men present.

Liu Ruyan was also in a daze, until Ye Qianyue hugged Ye Qianfeng's arm affectionately, and leaned her head on Ye Qianfeng's shoulder, that she finally came to her senses.

"You, you woman! What the hell are you trying to do?! I warn you, let go of Senior Brother Qianfeng, or I will tear your face apart!" Liu Ruyan suddenly wanted to jump up and grab Ye Qianyue, but Inadvertently involving the wound on his body, he screamed in pain again.

"Feng~ Who is this woman? Why is she so fierce? She looks so scared." As she said that, Ye Qianyue pouted her mouth aggrieved, looking weak and coquettish.

Almost couldn't help laughing out loud, Ye Qianfeng knew that his sister was playing tricks, a gleam of light appeared in his eyes, and then he reached out his hand actively, and tapped Ye Qianyue's forehead, " Scared?"

"Senior brother!?" How did Liu Ruyan know that this pair of brothers and sisters were playing a double reed, and Liu Ruyan was almost pissed off, "Senior brother, how could you let this little bitch get so close to you!"

Hearing this, let alone Ye Qianfeng, the expressions of Si Linyuan and Nalan Rongze suddenly darkened, and they stared at Liu Ruyan over there with murderous eyes.

Even Xiao Hei licked his paw bloodthirstyly, the eyes of the two and one beast made the hairs on Liu Ruyan's back tremble!
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(End of this chapter)

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