Chapter 453 Will You Forgive Me?
In this way, it can be seen how annoyed Ye Qianfeng is!

Never thought that Ye Qianfeng would have such a day of beating someone, Liu Ruyan covered her swollen cheeks in horror, her eyes were full of panic, and she was so scared that she couldn't speak a word.

Thinking of Liu Ruyan pestering him like that before, and even spreading rumors that Ye Qianfeng was dating her everywhere, Ye Qianfeng just smiled lightly and didn't care, but now, he is so angry!
Thinking of Ye Qianfeng being so angry because of a woman, Liu Ruyan was afraid in her heart, but the viciousness in her eyes became deeper and deeper.

She must except Ye Qianyue, no matter what, Ye Qianfeng can only look at her alone!
"Senior Brother Qianfeng, I know I'm wrong, can you forgive me?" Saying that, Liu Ruyan raised her face sadly, and looked at Ye Qianfeng pleadingly, as if she wanted Ye Qianfeng to give him another favor. She's just one chance.

Without missing the hatred hidden in Liu Ruyan's eyes, Ye Qianfeng's fists under the sleeves tightened, his eyes darkened, and he suddenly became murderous.

It seemed that this Liu Ruyan couldn't stay.

It's not that Ye Qianfeng really didn't know about the things Liu Ruyan did in the past, it's just that he has always been indifferent and doesn't like to care about others, but Liu Ruyan violated his taboo.

Anyone who dares to attack his family will die at any time.

Thinking of this, bloodthirsty murderous intent brewed in Ye Qianfeng's eyes, making Liu Ruyan instantly aware of the danger.

Subconsciously wanted to beg for mercy, but when Liu Ruyan looked at Ye Qianfeng's eyes that showed no mercy, she instantly understood that Ye Qianfeng was really angry this time, even if she was the Great Elder Ye Qianfeng's grandfather pleaded for mercy in person, and Ye Qianfeng would never show mercy!

Eyes widened in dismay, Liu Ruyan looked at Ye Qianfeng gently raising his hand in horror, on which was entwined with enchanting golden dust like a sharp blade.

However, just when Liu Ruyan felt that he was bound to die, a jade hand reached out and gently stopped Ye Qianfeng.

"Brother, you see that I'm still here, so let's just forget about it." A beautiful smile appeared on the corners of Yanhong's lips, and Ye Qianyue said softly with bright eyes.

Everyone was surprised that Ye Qianyue would take the initiative to plead for Liu Ruyan. Only Ye Qianfeng, Si Linyuan and Xiao Hei, who knew her well, knew what she really meant.

She has always dismissed people like Liu Ruyan, even if she died in front of her, Ye Qianyue would not be moved in the slightest.

And she is not pleading for Liu Ruyan at this moment, but telling Ye Qianfeng in a disguised form that she can solve her own affairs well without Ye Qianfeng worrying about it.

Although Ye Qianfeng was not afraid, Ye Qianyue was unwilling to make things difficult for him.

After all, Liu Ruyan is also a member of the Nine Star Sect, and it is inevitable that people from the same sect will be criticized. Ye Qianfeng may not care, but Ye Qianyue does not.

Frowning and looking at Ye Qianyue, Ye Qianfeng saw that Ye Qianyue nodded persistently, but in the end he had no choice but to stop.

Ye Qianyue's temperament is much more stubborn than his. Since she wants to take the initiative, then let her go.

Liu Ruyan tremblingly watched all this, until she saw the murderous intent in Ye Qianfeng's eyes faded, she finally came back to her senses tremblingly.

Deep fear filled the eyes, seeing that the two of them left without even looking at her, Liu Ruyan gritted her teeth in resentment!

(End of this chapter)

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