Chapter 461 Will You Come Hold Me?

Liu Ruyan has used this kind of trick more than once or twice, no man has ever been able to escape her charm!

He didn't know that Si Linyuan's real appearance was three points more handsome than Ye Qianfeng's, and he was powerful and his background was heaven-defying. If Liu Ruyan knew about it, he might have rushed forward a long time ago, and he wouldn't have waited until now!

"Yuan~ I've found you." With a coquettish voice, Liu Ruyan swayed in front of Si Linyuan and watched Si Linyuan take off the Wanse Fruit.

Presenting the shape of a heart, the surface of Wanse Fruit is filled with countless colorful lights, which look very dazzling in the sun.

Successfully obtained the Wanse Fruit, Si Linyuan thought of how happy Ye Qianyue would be after seeing the Wanse Fruit, and a gentleness flashed in his gilt eyes that was enough to make people fall deeply in it.

The corners of the always cold lips also gradually rose, and Si Linyuan's doting smile suddenly appeared, making anyone uncontrollably intoxicated by it.

It is obviously an ordinary and ordinary face, but after such an extra smile, it makes Si Linyuan's whole body come alive, his temperament is like the spring breeze blowing, wrinkling the spring water, but with such a hint of arrogance and indifference , the two originally incompatible auras are skillfully blended together at this moment, such a uniqueness, like a smiling king, made Liu Ruyan's heart beat wildly uncontrollably!
Looking at Si Linyuan, Liu Ruyan felt for the first time that a man could be flawless even without a handsome face!

While being amazed and amazed, Liu Ruyan tightly clenched her fists under her sleeves, and a cold viciousness appeared in her eyes.

Why, why can Ye Qianyue not only get Ye Qianfeng's favor, but also have a perfect man like Si Linyuan connect with her? !

Along the way, Nalan Rongze and Xiao Hei needless to say, although the other men in the team did not dare to show it because they were afraid of Si Linyuan, the eyes they looked at Ye Qianyue were full of Deeply admiring!
Thinking of this, Liu Ruyan unexpectedly didn't get angry, but gave a sneer smugly.

However, it doesn't matter, Si Linyuan will soon become her servant, and then she will be able to appreciate Ye Qianyue's painful expression!

Originally, he wanted to use Si Linyuan and throw him away, but now Liu Ruyan has changed his mind!

For such a perfect man, she wants to make him completely her protector. Of course, she will use her body to seduce Ye Qianfeng after it is done.

If she had known that she shouldn't have spent so much in the beginning, she should have used her body directly to seduce Ye Qianfeng!
Not knowing that Ye Qianfeng would directly drive her out of the Nine Star Sect with such a trick, a dark light flashed in Liu Ruyan's eyes.

"Yuan~ From the first time I saw you, I thought you were so masculine~" As she spoke, Liu Ruyan narrowed her fox-like eyes lightly, and there were provocative and seductive dances in them. , "Yuan, people think it's so cold here, come hug me and warm me up, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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