Chapter 474 I was so ugly by it
But the pain became more and more obvious. Just when Xiaopang felt that his head was about to explode in pain, he heard a faint 'click', and then suddenly a layer of light spread out around him, and disappeared immediately. in the air.

Immediately, he felt infinite vitality, Xiaopang was extremely happy, running and jumping happily, and then because his trotters were too short, he fell to the ground and couldn't get up for a long time.

Seeing Xiaopang's stupid look, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing, then raised her hand and waved lightly, a gentle force of thought rushed out, and then supported Xiaopang's body.

"Hmph~~" He rushed forward gratefully, and Xiaopang rubbed against Ye Qianyue, feeling a bit coquettish in it.

It's just that at this moment, Xiaopang still looks ugly and terrifying. Even acting like a baby doesn't make people feel cute, but adds a little bit of horror.

She didn't feel any disgust or fear. From Ye Qianyue's point of view, Xiao Pang was just sick, and as long as it was cured, it would be fine.

"Be obedient and obedient. During the time in the ancient ruins, I will treat your illness. When the ruins are out, you can go wherever you want." Ye Qianyue met Xiaopang's dark green clear pair of eyes. eyes, said lightly.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Xiao Pang looked at her hesitantly, then nodded in agreement.

After reaching a consensus with Xiaopang, Ye Qianyue took it to meet everyone.

Seeing that Liu Ruyan didn't come back, everyone knew it in their hearts, and they tacitly never mentioned Liu Ruyan's name again.

Ye Qianyue didn't care what other people thought, she just told Ye Qianfeng about this matter.

Obviously, he had guessed it a long time ago, Ye Qianfeng's reaction was very flat, he just nodded lightly, "Don't worry, I will have my own way to deal with it when I go back to the Nine Star Sect."

After hearing Ye Qianfeng's words, Ye Qianyue was finally relieved and said nothing more.

As for Xiaopang, everyone was really ugly by him.

However, after Xiao Fei drank the potion refined by Ye Qianyue, the swimming ring on his body disappeared. Although his body was still chubby, it was much better than the horrible appearance before, and his big and small eyes also returned to normal , even the long fangs disappeared.

Immediately, she became much cuter than before. Although the current Xiaopang is not a flower in ten miles and eight villages, at least it will not make people disgusted or disgusted.

Because she is much more beautiful, Xiaopang is not as inferior as before, but has shown her own different abilities.

That is, looking for the baby.

Everyone was on their way along the way, and sometimes, Xiaopang was walking well, and suddenly, as if smelling something, he rushed out happily, and then came back quickly.

Never came back empty-handed, Xiaopang always found all kinds of strange and good treasures, the most of which were all kinds of precious and rare medicinal materials.

As if wishing to turn the entire ancient forest upside down, Xiao Pang brought back any good things he saw, and then stuffed them all to Ye Qianyue, staring at those watery eyes, with a look of "seeking praise, begging to touch" Doglegs.

Seeing Xiaopang being so obedient and well-behaved, Ye Qianyue also patted Xiaopang's head very cooperatively, and praised her a few words.

Afterwards, Xiaopang found more herbs for her as if he had given her blood.

(End of this chapter)

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