Chapter 481 Silver White Space Stone

After hearing everyone's unanimous answer, the barrier suddenly burst into a burst of dazzling light, and then shattered loudly, condensing into a regular silver-white space stone in the surprised eyes of everyone, and then another line of large golden characters also appeared at the same time. Appear.

"There is only one correct entrance. If you want to leave, just use your mind to move the space stone. Remember, the space stone can only be used once. If it is damaged, there is no second chance. In addition, after entering the maze, no one is allowed Flying or climbing the palace wall, if anyone disobeys, he will be killed immediately! No one will be left alive!"

The big golden characters looked a bit thick, and after everyone read it, they all looked at the space stone.

"This ancient ruins is so humane, and it gives us a chance to escape here." After Nalan Rongze said this, he felt that something was wrong, "This is simply too strange."

Thinking of going together with Nalan Rongze, everyone also felt that the appearance of this space stone was too weird.

Ever since they entered the ancient forest, the designers of the ancient ruins tried their best to kill them. This time, they suddenly gave everyone a chance to leave on their own, which is simply too surprising.

"If there is an abnormality, there must be a demon." Obviously, they don't understand why the designers of the ancient ruins gave them such a chance, but Ye Qianyue has a faint premonition in her heart.

"Miss Ye, it's strange, but isn't this a good thing? I think it's better to quickly take the space stone, and then we can choose the easiest route and try to walk first?" Shanxiong said with a hearty smile.

After detecting it with spiritual power, Ye Qianyue put it away after confirming that there was nothing wrong with the space stone.

All the people present were able to fly, and they were all looking down from the sky, looking at the incomparably complicated maze.

The maze is divided into four entrances, named Suzaku, White Tiger, Qinglong, and Xuanwu respectively.

From Suzaku to Xuanwu, Suzaku's path is obviously the most complicated one, and vice versa, Xuanwu is the simplest.

"I think we should choose the simplest one. If it doesn't work, we can change it again, and it won't waste too much time." After finally coming here, Shanxiong couldn't help feeling a little excited, and said immediately.

"Shanxiong, calm down, and see what Miss Ye has to say." Nalan Rongze looked at Ye Qianyue with a gentle face, "Miss Ye, what Shanxiong said makes sense. If one way doesn’t work, we can try others.”

"We don't have much time left. According to this method of elimination, when the barrier of the ruins will be closed, we will be trapped here to die sooner or later." His eyes were full of coldness, and Si Linyuan swept Nalan Rong immediately. Ze glanced, and there was a thick coldness in his eyes.

Forced by Si Linyuan to be unable to utter a single word, Nalan Rongze's complexion was a little ugly, "Mr. Si was joking, although it is complicated here, the road to Xuanwu is not complicated, as long as we go faster..."

"Hurry up? No matter how fast you are, it is impossible to complete the 370 two roads and the 190 fork in one day!"

As soon as Si Linyuan's words came out, everyone was taken aback for a moment, and then a strong look of horror welled up in their eyes.

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(End of this chapter)

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