Chapter 500 Add another old man

"It's under the Dark Demon's command." Ye Qianfeng looked at the other ten men in black vigilantly, and was ready to fight at all times.

After hearing Ye Qianfeng's words, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

It's not that they haven't heard of the name of the Dark Demon, but they only know that the Dark Demon is an evil force, but what's deeper is passion, they don't know.

It's just that the Dark Demon's people are aggressive, and they obviously have bad intentions towards them. Facing such a group of people, they naturally don't have to be polite!
For a moment, the two sides confronted each other, and the dignified aura spread quickly, making one's heart tremble unavoidably.

The blood-red dual model squinted slightly, and Beigong Huoyin looked at Ye Qianyue, the ferocious killing intent on his face disappeared in an instant, and the raging smile with a bit of evil charm just now appeared again, "Little wild cat, as long as you You come to my side obediently, I can think about it and not kill your man."

"You're dreaming." Facing Beigong Huoyin's arrogance, Ye Qianyue just let out a disdainful sneer, "With the two of us here today, none of you dark demons can leave alive!"

"Hehe, if Si Linyuan hadn't been suppressed by the dark demon, I would be in a bad situation today, but now he has to be distracted all the time, how could I lose?" With a chuckle, Beigong Huoyin looked at Si Linyuan's eyes were wild, as if he was looking at a dead person.

"Hmph, if that's the case, let's add another old man!" At this moment, Ye Qianyue's scepter flashed coldly in the space, Shi Qi's face was cold, and he looked at Beigong Huoyin viciously over there, his resentful eyes wanted to move He sees right through!

If it weren't for the dark devil's deceit at the beginning, Killing Seven would not have ended up in such a tragic end today, so Dark Demon and his subordinates, Killing Seven will never let go!
Killing Qi wants to use the blood of these people to wash away the hatred and unwillingness in his heart!
"Regardless of being a soul body, it's not your bargaining chip." Facing Shi Qi's monstrous killing intent, Beigong Huoyin said this, but the playfulness in his eyes gradually disappeared, and he obviously became serious.

"The people under the dark devil are always so overestimated." Si Linyuan's mouth curled up into a cold smile, his whole body was filled with murderous intent, as if the god of killing had descended!
There was already an unresolved hatred between Si Linyuan and the Dark Demon, plus Beigong Huoyin dared to be so presumptuous towards Ye Qianyue, it was really unbearable for Si Linyuan.

So no matter what, this Beigong Huoyin must die!

And just when the two sides were about to fight each other, a ferocious roar came from the depths of the pyramid.


The huge roar was like a sound wave, and accompanied by a terrifying arrogance that destroyed the world, it ruthlessly bombarded everyone!
"Pfft!" The huge impact caused many weaker people to spit out a mouthful of blood, and looked at the deepest part of the pyramid in disbelief.

I saw a fiery red dazzling spar quietly appearing in front of everyone.

The red color is more glaring than the flames, like the condensed blood, in which golden rays of light dance continuously, faintly condensing into a delicate phoenix, and there are bursts of phoenix cries as it swims.

The thick energy formed an enchantment around his body, and the moment the spar appeared, it instantly broke the heavy atmosphere among the crowd, making everyone's eyes brighten up.

"Look! It's Phoenix Soul Flint!!"

 Ask for tickets, ask for tickets~ There are a lot of tickets, and the concubine will definitely add more~~~! !Dear friends, hurry up and work hard!
(End of this chapter)

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