Chapter 517 A Wonderful State

At the same time as the fusion, Ye Qianyue's strength is also advancing by leaps and bounds. The Phoenix Soul Fire is like the most precious tonic, constantly roasting her body and enhancing her physical strength!
I can almost feel the thick energy continuously seeping into my limbs and bones. This feeling of getting stronger makes every pore of Ye Qianyue greedily absorb the energy, and then gradually strengthen it...

Gradually practicing, Ye Qianyue quickly entered a very wonderful state.

As if falling asleep, Ye Qianyue's head was dizzy, her whole body was wrapped in flames, and the warm feeling quickly spread throughout her body, which also made Ye Qianyue feel more comfortable.

I don't know how long it took, and Ye Qianyue didn't realize that after Feng Huo was completely fused with her own power, it quietly came to her eyebrows, strengthening her spiritual power and that in the contract. The fire kylin beast in space.

The thick power gradually condensed, and the phoenix soul fire also turned into pure energy, which was instilled into Ye Qianyue's scepter space, and continuously sent pure energy to Huabao.

Time flies, three months later.

They have been waiting by Ye Qianyue's side all the time, and in three months, they almost emptied everything in the ancient ruins.

Although with everyone's current strength, they don't need to eat every day, but three months have passed, and everyone's dry food is almost enough.

If they continue to wait like this, in less than two days, they will have to leave the inner city and outer city, and go to the ancient forest to hunt and kill monsters to satisfy their hunger.

The monsters in the ancient forest are very powerful, even if they are weak, there are no delicious monsters. If they are really reduced to that level, everyone will indeed suffer.

However, contrary to everyone's anxiety, Ye Qianyue remained silent for a long time.

The phoenix soul fire that originally floated on the surface of the body was gradually absorbed by the body. At this moment, Ye Qianyue's face showed a lustrous luster like jade, making the already perfect face look even more captivating.

"There is no movement yet. It seems that this little girl won't wake up today." Looking from afar, Shi Qi looked at Si Linyuan, who had been guarding Ye Qianyue's side all this time, not moving up or down. , sighed helplessly, then turned to look at Ye Qianfeng, "Ye family boy, are you almost finished with your dry food? Let's go, the old man will go to the ancient forest with you, and come back after finding something to eat .”

"Thank you, Senior Shi Qi." Knowing Shi Qi's strength, Ye Qianfeng thanked him immediately, and then planned to leave with Shi Qi.

However, before the two of them left, Ye Qianyue, who was originally as quiet as a deep pool, suddenly burst out like boiling hot water!
Everyone only heard a muffled sound, and then a layer of hot fire waves formed a circle, rushing out from Ye Qianyue's body and spreading towards the surroundings.

"Quickly move away!" Someone among the crowd said this, and they immediately dispersed.

Standing stubbornly by Ye Qianyue's side, Si Linyuan waved his hands to resist the blazing fire wave, and then saw Ye Qianyue's body tremble, feeling her strength surge like a tidal wave!
"Nianhuang peak, Nianzong elementary, intermediate, peak..." Feeling Ye Qianyue's soaring strength at this moment, Si Linyuan was delighted at first, and then his expression suddenly sank.

(End of this chapter)

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