Chapter 521 Let Them Never Return

Hearing this, there was a slight smile on Mingxiu's iceberg-like face, "Ah Yue, I'm introducing myself formally, not to draw a line with you, but to tell you about me. Everything, with a complete posture, let you know the real me again, but don't worry, no matter who I am, under any circumstances, I am the little black cat whose life was saved by you."

"I know." Knowing what Mingxiu wanted to express, Ye Qianyue suddenly showed a bright smile, "Whether it is Xiao Hei or Mingxiu, I will ask you to give me advice as always!"

Originally, he was worried that Ye Qianyue would not be able to accept him, but when Mingxiu heard what Ye Qianyue said, a little joy filled his eyes, and he nodded.

"Yeah, you have always been by Ah Yue's side, but now you have revealed your identity. This 'friendship' is truly worth living up to." With a light glance at Mingxiu, Si Linyuan could clearly see that The admiration in Mingxiu's eyes.

These men, one by one, are actually thinking about his woman!

Thinking of this, Si Linyuan became jealous.

There was a bit of resentment in his anger, Si Linyuan looked at Ye Qianyue's innocent face, and stretched out his hand involuntarily, pinching Ye Qianyue's soft cheek.

The only thing to blame is that Ye Qianyue is so kind, so many people worry about him, it really makes him feel too threatened!

Always emotionally insensitive, Ye Qianyue saw Si Linyuan's frowning expression, she didn't understand what was going on, so she blinked her eyes, then wrapped her arms around Si Linyuan's arm, and smiled brightly at him.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's bright and lovely smile, the resentment in Si Linyuan's heart disappeared immediately, and there was no trace of it.

With his backhand, he hugged Ye Qianyue's soft waist, and Si Linyuan, who was full of a sense of crisis, decided that he must stay by his wife's side in the future, so as to save other stinky men from thinking about his baby all the time!

After hearing Si Linyuan's words, Mingxiu narrowed his eyes dangerously, and then met Si Linyuan's eyes, and the two stared at each other several times without giving in.

"Ah Yue, I didn't deliberately hide it from you..." At this point, Mingxiu was afraid that Ye Qianyue would be angry, and he was a little panicked between his words.

"It's okay, we understand you." Ye Qianyue said very understandingly.

After exchanging a few more pleasantries, Ye Qianyue saw Ye Qianfeng looking at her, and asked worriedly, "Xiaoyue, have you completely subdued Fenghunhuo? How do you feel now?"

Full of energy, with inexhaustible strength in her body, Ye Qianyue smiled, and then snapped her fingers lightly.

Accompanied by the crisp sound of snapping fingers, a gorgeous flame of fiery red and gold appeared directly in Ye Qianyue's hands.

The moment the Phoenix Soul Fire appeared, the temperature between the sky and the earth suddenly increased, and even the space was filled with fine and dense cracks, which shows how terrifying the Phoenix Soul Fire is!
"Not only did I get the Phoenix Soul Fire this time, but I also got a cheat book called "Wind Soul Jue". This cheat book can help me completely master the Phoenix Soul Fire. All the sexual ones come to my door, and I can make them go forever!"

Hearing the words, everyone's eyes lit up, and they were sincerely happy for Ye Qianyue.

Surrounded by the crowd, Ye Qianyue was holding the dragon-seeking needle in her hand, with a sly gleam in her eyes, she said with a chuckle, "Okay, we should prepare to leave, we can't let the Situ family I've been waiting for a long time..."

(End of this chapter)

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