Chapter 524 Earthshaking Changes

Killing the middle-level Nianzong powerhouse in one blow, and without leaving any bones, such a heaven-defying strength is by no means terrifying!
At this moment, the rest of Mingxiu, Ye Qianfeng and others came out of the space wormhole.

"Solved?" Ye Qianfeng asked Ye Qianyue, who could smell a strange burnt smell in the air.

"En." Nodding, Ye Qianyue walked to Ye Qianfeng's side, "Brother, we have to go back to the temple, you go first."

"Xiaoyue, be careful in everything, don't let elder brother and parents worry too much." Ye Qianfeng warned very worriedly.

"Brother, you have to be careful about everything." After killing Liu Ruyan, Ye Qianyue knew that Ye Qianfeng would be busy when he went back.

"You don't have to worry about big brother, just take care of yourself." Saying that, Ye Qianfeng looked at Ye Qianyue very worriedly, and after giving Ye Qianyue a few more words, he finally left.

"Miss Ye, let's just leave here. I hope that next time I have a chance, I can talk to Miss." Nalan Rongze looked at Ye Qianyue expectantly and said.

"I don't think there will be another chance like this in the future." Appearing at the right time, Si Linyuan embraced Ye Qianyue's shoulders, and cast his cold eyes on Nalan Rongze.

"No one can tell what will happen in the future..." Nalan Rongze said firmly, seeing Si Linyuan's eyes narrowed dangerously, and immediately took a step back, "Thank you for taking care of Miss Ye this time, and I will leave. .”

After finishing speaking, Nalan Rongze consciously left with the rest of the Nine Dragon Mercenary Group.

"I have no good intentions." Mingxiu looked at Nalan Rongze's back with a trace of dissatisfaction, and then turned to look at Ye Qianyue, "Ah Yue, let's go too."

"En." Nodding, Ye Qianyue knew that they had already wasted a lot of time and should go back as soon as possible.

"Mother, mother, is this the outside world? It's so vast and desolate!" The cute little Huabao jumped out and looked at the huge desert around her. Her sky-blue eyes were full of innocence and expectation, and she looked around. .

"Let's go, mother will take you to a more interesting place." After saying that, she held Xiao Huabao with her palm, and Ye Qianyue summoned the holy fire unicorn, and then the three of them rode on the holy fire unicorn, flying at high speed. Go in the direction of the temple.


In just a few months when Ye Qianyue and others went back and forth to the ancient ruins, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes.

Two months ago, a strange plague suddenly broke out on Canghe Continent.

This plague can turn the infected person into a lunatic who has no thought or soul, only knows how to kill, and will never die!
At the same time, a dark force is also growing crazily. A dark force named "Dark Pavilion" rises rapidly and provokes wars everywhere in Canghe Continent. It's because of the lack of skills, and you have to beware of the dark pavilion, the current Canghe Continent can be said to be a mess.

After Ye Qianyue and the others came out of the ancient ruins, they felt something was wrong.

The originally blue sky was shrouded in a layer of haze, which looked gloomy and depressing, and the air was filled with a sense of death.

Those who have fought against the dark demon before are familiar with this dead air.

As a result, rumors spread like the wind that the dark demon that almost destroyed the entire Canghe Continent is coming back!

(End of this chapter)

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