Chapter 526 There Should Be a Reward

She didn't expect that Ye Qianyue would be so talented, so at this moment Younina was a little worried. One day, she would not be able to control Ye Qianyue!
It seems that she needs to take some measures.

Thinking of this, a venomous look flashed across Yunina's eyes, and it was fleeting.

Ye Qianyue looked at Younina with an unchanged expression, and said softly, "I live up to the expectations of the goddess. Although I have been out for a long time, I still completed the task assigned by the goddess."

Her eyes lit up suddenly, and the corners of Younina's lips deepened a little, "I knew you could successfully retrieve the Phoenix Soul Flint, Qianyue, this time is a great achievement for you."

When the elders heard that Ye Qianyue had brought back the phoenix soul flint, they all perked up and looked at Ye Qianyue appreciatively.

Both the Phoenix Soul Flint and the Fire Dragon Crystal are rare treasures, and it was the high priest of the temple who ordered to find the Phoenix Soul Flint. Now that the people from the Fenglan Empire Branch have obtained it, they will definitely be rewarded by the high priest of.

Especially Younina, she originally asked Ye Qianyue to look for the Phoenix Soul Flint with the mentality of trying. Everyone knows the dangers of the ancient ruins, but Ye Qianyue really brought the Phoenix Soul Flint back this time. This really surprised her.

Compared to the joy of Yunina and the elders, Qi Che has indeed been sitting quietly in the distance, looking at Ye Qianyue quietly, and it is impossible to see what he is thinking.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Ye Qianyue lowered her eyes slightly, and the smile on her lips deepened a bit. "It is an honor to serve the Temple."

If these people know that the most important Phoenix Soul Fire in the Phoenix Soul Fire Stone has been taken by Ye Qianyue, and now the Phoenix Soul Fire Stone is just a stone that looks beautiful but they can't function at all, will they be angry? vomiting blood.

Ye Qianyue really wanted to thank Younina from the bottom of her heart for being able to get Fenghunhuo.

If it weren't for Younina, she probably wouldn't have known that the Phoenix Soul Flintstone was in the ancient ruins.

Carefully took out the box containing the phoenix soul flint from the space scepter, Ye Qianyue handed it directly to Younina.

Younina accepted it with a smile on her face, and after confirming that it was correct, she turned around and handed it to the maid behind her, "Go and put it in the secret room, and send someone to strictly guard it."

The maid took the order and walked out with the box in her hand.

"Official Ye has made such great achievements, so she should be rewarded." Qi Che's lazy voice suddenly sounded.

Immediately, everyone's eyes fell on Qi Che.

They are all a little puzzled, these elders know Qi Che's temperament, he has always been a nosy person, what's wrong now?
"Yes, this is indeed a great achievement and should be rewarded." Although they didn't know what happened to Qi Che, the other elders also agreed.

The reward originally given to Ye Qianyue was to take her to the headquarters to see her, but Yunina just wanted to speak when Qi Che preempted her.

"It just so happened that we lost an elder a few days ago, why not let Officer Ye fill in the vacancy."

The tone was light, but there was a coercion that could not be questioned.

As soon as the voice fell, the audience was silent.

Even Ye Qianyue was terrified, raised her eyebrows slightly, and looked at Qi Che puzzled, wondering what kind of medicine this guy was selling in his gourd.

Hasn't he always been at odds with Yunina?Thinking that she is still a member of Younina now, why does Qi Che help raise her status?
(End of this chapter)

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