Chapter 528 I'm Going With You
"Now that this matter has been decided, let's get down to business." Yunina said slowly, her tone becoming serious.

The atmosphere also became condensed, and Ye Qianyue sat leisurely, listening to Younina's continuation.

"Presumably everyone knows that a new force has risen recently, the dark pavilion, wherever they go, they burn, loot, and do all kinds of evil, which has seriously damaged the peace of the Canghe Continent, and our temple, as the existence that people rely on for their beliefs , For such evil forces, we absolutely cannot allow them to run rampant! Therefore, the high priest has just issued an order to let the various branches of our temple assist the major forces in the Canghe Continent to fight against the dark pavilion together!"

After hearing what Younina said, Ye Qianyue was not surprised, not to mention that the dark pavilion threatened the temple, but that the temple has always existed in the image of a bright savior, so it would definitely not be against the dark pavilion. Sit back and watch what you do!
Yunina's tone paused for a while, as if she was very distressed by the actions of the dark pavilion, and continued in a sad tone, "The terrible plague spreading everywhere is also inseparable from the dark pavilion, countless innocent practitioners Those who have become the puppets of the dark pavilion, killing machines, the first thing our temple has to do is to control the plague!"

"Elders, the high priest has high hopes for us, and we must not disappoint the high priest, so next, we have to work hard, all the elders." Yunina said softly.

"As Her Majesty the Goddess orders." The elders said in unison, with uniform voices.

"Well, Elder Ye, you are a member of the empire on which the sun never sets, so after three days, you will set off to go back to the empire on which the sun never sets, assist the temple branch of the empire on which the sun never sets, and fight against the dark pavilion! It is necessary to control the plague and prevent it from spreading!" Yunina said, looking at Ye Qianyue solemnly.

"Take orders." Ye Qianyue replied without hesitation, a little light danced in her eyes, and she was faintly excited.

Unexpectedly, in the midst of her busy schedule, she would still have the opportunity to go back to the Empire on which the sun never sets.

Having said that, she really misses her family and teachers.

At the same time, I was also a little worried, worried that the dark pavilion would attack the Ye family, after all, the dark pavilion knew some details about her.

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue couldn't wait to go back to the Empire on which the sun never sets, and she couldn't listen to other words Younina said.

Soon, Yunina arranged everything, and the elders went to different branches to assist, but Qi Che was not arranged for anything.

Yunina didn't think she had the ability to command Qiche, so she automatically ignored him.

Just as the meeting was over and everyone was about to leave, Qi Che's lazy and melodious voice sounded like a fairy again.

"Elder Ye, I will go with you to the Empire on which the sun never sets."

Saying it in one word shocked everyone!

Yunina glanced at Qi Che again, she really didn't know what kind of trick this man was trying to play.

Looking at Ye Qianyue again, she found that she was just sitting in the distance with a calm expression, and did not respond to Qi Che's words, so Yunina relaxed her heart a little.

She had some doubts about the ulterior relationship between Ye Qianyue and Qi Che just now, but it seems that at most Qi Che is interested in Ye Qianyue, while Ye Qianyue has no feelings for him.

(End of this chapter)

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