Chapter 532 Three Great Cities
All the way back to her room, Ye Qianyue opened the door and saw Si Linyuan sitting at the sandalwood table, with her head propped on one hand and her eyes closed, feigning sleep.

Hearing the sound of the door opening, Si Linyuan slowly opened his eyes, and the moment he saw Ye Qianyue, a gentle smile hung on the corner of his lips.

It is as charming as poppies blooming in the dark night.

Ye Qianyue likes the way Si Linyuan smiles the most, and since she hasn't seen Si Linyuan for a day, she feels even better seeing him now.

"Where did you go today? You disappeared without saying hello." While talking, Ye Qianyue went to sit opposite Si Linyuan, poured a cup of tea and took a sip.

"Today Qianying came to report to me something about Shura City." Si Linyuan said flatly.

Si Linyuan rarely heard about Shura City, and Ye Qianyue was very curious about this mysterious place.

"What's going on in Asura City? The people from the dark pavilion also attacked Shura City?"

It makes sense for Ye Qianyue to ask this question.Because Shura City is Si Linyuan's domain, and the people in the Dark Pavilion hate Si Linyuan so much, it is not impossible to go to Shura City to make trouble.

"The little miscellaneous fish in the Dark Pavilion can't enter Shura City, unless they are elders. So far, they haven't taken action against the Dark Pavilion, but the Four Seas City is starting to be restless." The golden pupils quickly passed by With a hint of bloodlust, Si Linyuan said slowly.

Slightly frowned, Ye Qianyue didn't know much about Shura City, let alone Universal City.

"Where is Four Seas City?" Ye Qianyue asked suspiciously.

"Sihai City, Asura City, and Phoenix City, these three major cities are the most unique existences in this world. They are separated from the three major planes and are not controlled by the three major planes. The three major cities signed a contract a hundred years ago. Don't start a war. A hundred years have passed, and the contract has expired, so the Universal City is about to move." Si Linyuan replied.

"So that's the case, so do you need to go back to Shura City?" Ye Qianyue felt that since Si Linyuan was the king of Shura City, it was right for her to return to the town at this time, and she could protect herself well.

"If I don't go back, I will take you with me if I go back. Now is not the time." Si Linyuan said with a smile.

In Si Linyuan's view, Ye Qianyue is now capable of self-protection, but he is still worried because she is his woman, and he has to come out to protect her as soon as she is in danger.

"By the way, I also sent people to the Empire on which the sun never sets. The people in the Duke of Ye Kingdom are under my protection. You can rest assured now."

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue took a deep look at Si Linyuan. Although this man was usually silent and didn't talk much, his heart was very delicate, which moved her.

"In three days, we will set off to go back to the empire on which the sun never sets. Tomorrow, I will follow Younina to the temple headquarters." Ye Qianyue said with a light smile, her eyes shining brightly.

In fact, she will follow Younina to the headquarters of the temple tomorrow. After getting the Fire Dragon Crystal, she can leave the temple.

It just so happens that it's time to go back to the Empire on which the sun never sets.

She hadn't seen her father, mother, and Ye family brothers for so long, she was really thinking about it.

"Are you going to the temple headquarters by yourself?" Si Linyuan frowned slightly, obviously worried about Ye Qianyue.

(End of this chapter)

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