Chapter 535 Solemnly Tell You Again

"Ah Yue, even if you know, I have to tell you solemnly." His tone became deep and dignified, and Mingxiu looked at Ye Qianyue with hot and firm eyes. "I don't care what I mean to you. But for my meditation, you are my spouse and the woman I love the most. In this life, I only love you, Ye Qianyue, except for letting me Apart from giving up on you and leaving you, I am willing to let you do anything else, even if I die for you, I will be happy. So, I will never give up on you. I know you like Si Linyuan now, But I also want to ask you to give me a chance, give me a chance to compete fairly with Si Linyuan, okay?"

Under Mingxiu's almost begging eyes, Ye Qianyue was silent for a while, but still shook her head.

"Mingxiu, I'm sorry, in this life, I can't make any promises to you. I believe in Si Linyuan, and it won't change."

These words are meant to destroy all hope of meditation.

Standing up suddenly, Mingxiu's face was pale due to the huge blow, but the light in his eyes did not go out, "I said I will not give up on you, just wait and see."

Like an angry child, after finishing speaking, Mingxiu turned into a black light and disappeared into the room.

Frowning silently, Ye Qianyue shook her head helplessly.

Since she can't respond to Mingxiu's feelings, it's better to tell him clearly from the beginning, otherwise, if she procrastinates, it will hurt him even more.

The so-called long-term pain is worse than short-term pain, this is the truth. Although Ye Qianyue doesn't have much experience in relationships, she still knows this truth.

Because no contract was signed with Mingxiu, Ye Qianyue didn't know where Mingxiu had gone at the moment.

Some helplessly squeezed the center of her brows, Ye Qianyue knew that with her nature of meditation, she would not really leave. As for now, it is understandable for him to want to be alone for a while.

Thinking about it, Ye Qianyue's figure flashed, and she entered the scepter space to water the flower treasure.

After Ye Qianyue left, there was another flash of light in the room, and then the disappearing meditation reappeared.

The cold handsome face looked a little pale at this moment, Mingxiu's slender eyebrows were tightly wrinkled, and his eyes were full of complex colors.

He clenched his fists unwillingly, Mingxiu is not a fool, he sees the relationship between Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan, and he also understands that there is almost no chance to find between these two people.

However, even if he clearly understands, Mingxiu also knows that Ye Qianyue is the kind of person who will never change once he falls in love, but he still can't give up easily.

As for his temporary appearance of leaving, he just didn't want to make it difficult for Ye Qianyue.

Ye Qianyue is usually a very cold person, but once she gets along with her for a long time, you can find that she is actually a gentle person in her bones.

And this is not only known by meditation, but also by Si Linyuan.

Thinking of Si Linyuan's expression full of confidence before going out, Mingxiu frowned even deeper.

Estimating that Ye Qianyue might be back soon, Mingxiu's figure flickered and shrunk rapidly, finally shrinking into a small hairball no bigger than a fingertip.

Like a small bouncing ball, Mingxiu watched Ye Qianyue come back quickly.

(End of this chapter)

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