Chapter 537 Very Tempting

Do you want to accompany him back to Shura City?

Squinting his gilt eyes, Si Linyuan imagined for a while, and he felt very beautiful.

Indeed, very tempting.

"At that time, I will tell everyone in Shura City that you are their wife, the only eternal wife." Having said that, Si Linyuan gently let go of Ye Qianyue, his deep eyes twitching With a tenderness that can almost engulf people.

Rather indulge in this tenderness, Ye Qianyue raised her head with a smile, and voluntarily offered her soft and thin lips.

How could he reject his beloved woman, Si Linyuan didn't care that Hua Bao was still watching, and immediately kissed Ye Qianyue's touching lips that made him dream.

The soft touch is really seductive and criminal. The two kissed hotly, and the blushing and heartbeating kiss. Kiss. ​​The sound of the kiss made the whole beast of Huabao feel embarrassed!

My God, human beings are really too hot when they talk about love.

The little pink flowers on the head hung down shyly, Huabao lay quietly in the palm of Ye Qianyue, covering her face with her small palm, but she couldn't resist her curiosity, her big sky blue eyes were shining through. Through the fingers, carefully observe the two people who want to stick together at this moment.

Perhaps it was because Hua Bao's gaze was too hot, Si Linyuan soon noticed it.

His eyebrows were raised, and Si Linyuan's eyelashes trembled slightly like two small brushes, and then he opened those gilt eyes, with a bit of evil in his eyes, and swept towards the man who was peeking hard. Their little rascals.

Being discovered, Huabao was even more at a loss, and yelled.

Obviously just watching these two people doing bad things, but Hua Bao seemed to be playing a hooligan, blushing completely embarrassed, and then directly turned into a pink streamer, and slipped back into Ye Qianyue's hand in embarrassment. In the scepter space above.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing, "You scared Xiao Huabao away."

"Let her take a peek." With a wicked smile on the corner of his lips, Si Linyuan licked the corner of Ye Qianyue's lips eagerly, and then took out a box from his arms.

Inside the translucent box was a mass of fiery red liquid. The liquid looked somewhat viscous, and thick energy permeated out of it.

"What is this?" Curiously taking the box, Ye Qianyue looked at the liquid in the box and asked.

"If the Fire Dragon Crystal is lost, the temple will inevitably suspect you. When you put the Fire Dragon Crystal into this box, the liquid inside will imitate the shape of the Fire Dragon Crystal to create an identical counterfeit. The breath and shape of this fake are exactly the same as the real Fire Dragon Crystal, as long as you don’t use the fake, you won’t notice it’s a fake.”

"This is a good way. Anyway, the fire dragon crystal is precious, and people in the temple will not use it easily unless it is absolutely necessary." Ye Qianyue said with a smile after putting the box into the scepter space.

"Well, you must remember that I want you to come back properly." Looking at Ye Qianyue affectionately, Si Linyuan's eyes were full of reluctance.

"I know what's in my heart, don't worry." Ye Qianyue said with a smile, she really wanted to be intimate with Si Linyuan again, but she was worried that people from the temple would find out.

Now that it is the last moment, you can't lose the big because of small things. If you are found out and delay going to the temple headquarters, Ye Qianyue will really cry that day.

(End of this chapter)

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