Chapter 545 You Are So Kind!

The sky blue eyes are crooked with a smile, and there are dots of pink light around Huabao's body. The petals are flying, and the face of Huabao's angel is getting more and more lovely.

"Huabao, why did you come out?" Looking at the smile on Huabao's face, Ye Qianyue felt as if she was also infected by it, so she smiled softly.

"I'm coming out to play with my mother!" Huabao's small face was full of excitement, and she looked at Ye Qianyue with bright eyes, "Mother, don't you want to go out to have fun! Why don't you take me with you?" go together?"

"If you are discovered, the people in the temple will not let me go..." Seeing Huabao's pitiful face suddenly drooping, Ye Qianyue finally couldn't bear it, "Well, I will use my Your spiritual power protects you so that others cannot see you."

"Really?! Mother, you are so kind!" After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Hua Bao, who was originally depressed, cheered up immediately, and threw herself into Ye Qianyue's arms with bright eyes. He said very seriously, "Mother, don't worry, I will definitely protect you!"

Hearing this, the smile on the corner of Ye Qianyue's mouth suddenly became wider, and she raised her hand and tapped Hua Bao's head lightly with mental strength.

Immediately, the vigorous spiritual power reacted, instantly surrounding Huabao, and then a flash of light made Huabao's figure even more illusory.

"Okay, so only I can see you, but it won't last too long, let's go quickly." Seeing Hua Bao nodded excitedly, Ye Qianyue immediately changed into a dark night walk clothes, and quickly left the room.

Even at night, the temple headquarters is heavily guarded.

The strength of the guards is not low. If it weren't for Ye Qianyue relying on her powerful spiritual power, it would not be easy to avoid the sight of these guards so easily.

Heading towards the direction where the Fire Dragon Crystal was located in memory, Ye Qianyue soon saw the huge snow-white bunker.

It's like a small Western European-style church, except that the bunker in front of you has no gate, not even a single window, and is completely and completely sealed.

It was clearly late at night, but the surrounding guards didn't show any signs of fatigue on their faces. On the contrary, they were all very energetic, protecting the three floors and the three floors outside the entire bunker.

"These guards are at least at the peak level of Nianzong." Saying so, Ye Qianyue's dark eyes slowly rose into two groups of dazzling red flames with gold, which seemed to be real, and gently touched Ye Qianyue's eyes. Moon's eyes kept beating.

"Mother, I feel that there is a terrifying mass of fire energy down there..." Hua Bao pursed his lips and said with a rare seriousness on his face.

Plants have always been very sensitive to the fire energy of natural enemies, and flower treasures are no exception.

"The Fire Dragon Crystal is probably here!" Ye Qianyue said excitedly with uncontrollable excitement in her tone.

Hidden in Ye Qianyue's hair, Mingxiu also felt it carefully, and indeed found the fiery fire energy.

Now that it has been determined that the Fire Dragon Crystal is here, the next thing Ye Qianyue has to think about is how to enter the bunker.

"Mother, why don't you let me explore the way first." Hua Bao stretched out his hand and patted his small chest, and volunteered.

(End of this chapter)

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