Chapter 553

This woman was the first high priest who founded the temple, and she was also the god worshiped in the temple.

Hundreds of years ago, the original intention of this great high priest to establish the temple was indeed to support the justice of the world and protect the common people. However, after hundreds of years of evolution, the temple has long been eroded by secular rights. Maintaining the original appearance, the bones have been rotten.

Many people gathered in the square, all dressed in white robes, looking pure and white, illuminating the world.

There is a high platform behind the statue in the center of the square. There are two seats on the high platform. At this time, people have already sat on it. One is the high priest, and the other is Yunina.

Ye Qianyue sat on the seat of the elders below, raised her eyes and glanced at the high priest, and sure enough, she saw a bit of anxiety in his eyes.

Ah Si's sudden disappearance must have made the high priest feel very uneasy.

After all, Asco knew the filth and sin in the high priest's bones best.

The smile on the corner of her lips was fleeting, and Ye Qianyue looked away.

The sky was clear and cloudy, the wind was blowing slightly, and with the sound of several sonorous and powerful drums, the Hundred Days Prayer Ceremony officially began.

The complicated ceremony process was dazzling. The believers knelt down towards the statue of the woman in the center of the square, chanting ancient songs, probably praising the great achievements of the female high priest.

The whole ceremony didn't end until dusk. Ye Qianyue had to admire the fanaticism of these believers. It was quite a struggle to be able to kneel under the sun for a whole day without eating or drinking.

After the ceremony, Ye Qianyue followed Younina to bid farewell to the high priest, because there were still many important matters on the Canghe Continent, and Younina couldn't leave for too long.

As soon as he walked to the front hall, he heard the high priest's distraught voice.

"How can such a good person suddenly disappear?! Keep looking for me! If you want to see a person, you want to see a corpse!"

Ye Qianyue and Younina looked at each other, and they both saw the puzzlement in each other's eyes.

It's just that Yunina's confusion is real, and Ye Qianyue's is just pretending.

Where Ah Si went, no one knew better than Ye Qianyue.

The door of the front hall was opened, Ye Qianyue and Younina stepped into the front hall, and saw the high priest sitting on the throne with his forehead supported, his eyes filled with gloom.

"High Priest." Yunina took Ye Qianyue forward and saluted.

Waving his hand, the High Priest seemed very tired, "Go back to Canghe Continent quickly, Yunina, if there is any change in Canghe Continent, you should report to me at any time."

"Of order." Although Younina wanted to ask the high priest what happened, but she wisely chose to shut up when she saw that the high priest was in a bad mood.

Ye Qianyue has been standing behind Younina with lowered eyebrows, looking harmless and well-behaved.

Mingxiu hidden in Ye Qianyue's hair has been holding back a smile, Ah Yue really knows how to act, she is really a black-bellied little villain.

Just as Younina was about to leave the front hall with Ye Qianyue, the high priest's voice sounded again.

"Elder Ye, before you leave, go to Wanbao Pavilion to get a teleportation scroll, and I will summon you to serve at the headquarters at any time."

"Of order, High Priest." Ye Qianyue replied respectfully, sharp eyes flashed through her eyes, the teleportation scroll is a good thing, don't waste it when you bring it to your door.

(End of this chapter)

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