Chapter 557 Damn Humans

Only by absorbing the dragon fire in the fire dragon crystal, can Si Linyuan use this kind of flame containing dragon power to force out the dark demon.

Although knowing that with Si Linyuan's strength, it is not difficult to control Long Zhihuo, Ye Qianyue still couldn't help but worry about him.

She loves the man in front of her deeply, so she doesn't want him to encounter any danger.

Ye Qianyue's concern warmed Si Linyuan's heart, and he smiled and nodded immediately.

Ye Qianyue and the three of them retreated to the side consciously, giving Si Linyuan a lot of space on their own initiative.

Soon, holding his breath, Si Linyuan held the Fire Dragon Crystal in his hand, and the aura around him also surged out quickly.

At this moment, Si Linyuan is like an absolute king dominating the world, exuding a burst of intoxicating and powerful power in every gesture.

The fiery red spiritual power quickly spread out from the center of the eyebrows, Si Linyuan's face was gloomy, and he quickly used his own spiritual power to ruthlessly smash him into the Fire Dragon Crystal!
"Roar—" There was only a sound of a dragon roaring like thunder, and the spirits of the shaking people trembled violently!
However, the power of Long Xiao's voice could not penetrate Si Linyuan's spiritual power and shake him at all!
With a 'swish', he quickly opened his eyes, and Si Linyuan's eyes were full of undercurrents, with a firm cold glow!

This is his only chance to drive away the dark demon, he must seize it!
Thinking about it, the spiritual power of Si Linyuan's body surged more and more fiercely, and then ruthlessly, forcefully slammed it into the Fire Dragon Crystal.

The thick dark red dragon fire was quickly forced out of the spar by Si Linyuan's spiritual power, and slowly lingered around the spar. Two of the tumbling fire dragons seemed to be real objects, constantly waving in the dark red flames. With the purity of a newborn, his eyes were clear and puzzled, and he looked straight at Si Linyuan.

Seeing the right moment, Si Linyuan bit the tip of his tongue without hesitation, and then directly sprayed out a stream of blood, which splashed on the body of Fire Dragon Crystal.

"Roar." Essence and blood crazily penetrated into the fire dragon's crystal like a living thing, and the dark red color of the flame suddenly became deeper, and even the tumbling fire dragon was quickly stained with a trace of blood red color .

At this moment, Si Linyuan's spiritual power is also like a brand, completely imprinted in the Fire Dragon Crystal.

There was only a muffled sound of '噗', and the dark red dragon's fire quickly emerged from Si Linyuan's skin, and the two majestic fire dragons around him kept turning and surging, and bursts of dragon's fire came. Coercion.

Along with the dragon fire, there was also the almost deafening scream from the dark demon.

"Ahhh, Si Linyuan, I must kill you! You damned human being!" The blazing flames quickly struck, roasting the Dark Demon crazily, making him experience something more terrifying than death. Excruciating pain!

The burning sensation kept beating on his body, and then bursts of bone-piercing heat slowly permeated from his body. The severe pain crazily consumed the dark demon's power, and made him scream more and more at the same time. weak!

It didn't sound like a dark demon screaming, but Si Linyuan frowned slightly, and a thin layer of cold sweat permeated his forehead.

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(End of this chapter)

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