Chapter 563 Do you want to try it?

"Ah! Si Linyuan, you... ah!!" Before he could finish his angry roar, the Dark Demon felt unsteady on his feet, and was immediately grabbed by Si Linyuan's neck.

Fiercely exerting force, bursts of dark red dragon flames danced in Si Linyuan's gilt eyes, and the strength in his hands was so strong that he wished he could break the dark demon's neck!

"It's time for us to make a break." Si Linyuan's peerless voice rose from the sky, and Si Linyuan squeezed the dark demon's neck hard, and said coldly.

"You, you can't kill me..." Struggling extremely, the Dark Demon roared angrily with gloom and ferocity written all over his face.

After hearing what the dark demon said, Si Linyuan seemed to have heard something interesting, the corners of his lips curled up slightly, and then asked with a smile, "Oh? Do you want to try it?"

Shocked, the Dark Demon hadn't reacted yet, but watched a mass of thick dragon flames quickly spread out from Si Linyuan's palm, and then devoured his body in an instant!
Clearly feeling that the energy in his body was passing away rapidly, the dark demon was terrified!
Knowing that if he went on like this, he would definitely lose his soul, the Dark Demon bit the tip of his tongue right away!
I saw the sticky dead air turned into a sharp blade with a certain thickness, and shot fiercely in the direction of Ye Qianyue!

Sudden changes, such a strong death energy, cannot be wiped out by the Phoenix Soul Fire alone!

"Ah Yue!" Without even thinking about it, Si Linyuan was startled, seeing the dark demon sneer ferociously, then turned into a puff of smoke, and quickly escaped from his bondage!

Frowning, Si Linyuan didn't have time to chase after the dark demon, and in a flash, he rushed to Ye Qianyue, resisting the dead air.

The thick dead air was viscous, like disgusting filth, it was swallowed by the dragon's fire, and then burned into nothingness in a few seconds!

And here, the dark demon that turned into smoke also rushed into Jin Yingling's body quickly, and said anxiously, "Ringling, take me and get out of here!"

"..." With the death aura of the dark demon, Jin Yaoling returned to her previous beautiful appearance, but at this moment, her body was still covered with large and small hideous burns. The white bones must definitely not be so easy to recover.

"Your subordinate obeys." Immediately crushing the space stone hidden in his sleeve, a huge space wormhole quickly appeared in front of Jin Rattle, and he was about to leave with the dark demon!

"Stop!" Seeing this, Si Linyuan and Ye Qianyue both took a step forward, and at the same time Ye Qianyue slammed a ball of Phoenix Soul Fire into Jin Yaoling's body, Si Linyuan also grabbed her wrist , abruptly tore off one of her arms!
Immediately spit out a mouthful of blood, Jin Yaoling fell into a coma, and the dark demon occupied her body, and said to Si Linyuan and the two of them angrily, "See you next time, I will definitely let you die without a whole body!"

After the words were finished, the space wormhole suddenly disappeared, making it impossible for Si Linyuan and the two to chase after him!

If Jin Yaoling built a space wormhole to escape, they would be able to chase after it, but if they use the space stone, they can't find the breath, so they can't chase it!
(End of this chapter)

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