The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 566 Get out, don't get in the way!

Chapter 566 Get out, don't get in the way!

The security of the city gate has also been strengthened a lot, almost no one from the outside is allowed to enter the imperial capital, and no one from the imperial capital is allowed to go out easily.

After all, the emperor is the center of power, the lifeblood of the entire country, and if the imperial capital collapses, the empire will not be far from extinction when the sun never sets.

It is night, and the moon is like a hook.

Ye Guogong's mansion was brightly lit, and it was still busy late at night.

Because Ye Rongtian is the most valued by the emperor now, he is also busy every day without touching the ground, and has not closed his eyes for several days and nights.


The sound of the teacup falling to the ground was exceptionally clear in the silent night.

"What do you think happened to your mother?" Ye Rongtian's eyes were red, and he looked at Ye Jingli in disbelief and asked.

Ye Jingli's expression that was about to cry faded a little. His immature face was tangled into a ball, and he said in a low voice, "My mother seems to be infected with the plague. I, I have already sent someone to invite Teacher Gu Rong coming."

As soon as his words fell, Ye Rongtian turned into a gust of wind and rushed out of the hall.

As soon as he walked to the door, he bumped into someone.

At this time, Ye Rongtian, who was dazzled by worry, became furious in an instant, "Get out of the way, don't get in the way!"

"Daddy, what happened? Why did you get so angry?"

The familiar and melodious female voice came, like a basin of cold water pouring down on the head, extinguishing all Ye Rongtian's anger.

Rubbing his eyes, Ye Rongtian looked at the girl in red in disbelief.

Isn't it Ye Qianyue who came back hurriedly by the wind and dust? There was also a stern black-clothed boy standing beside her, who was in meditation.

"Yue'er! You are finally back!" Ye Rongtian said in surprise.

Ye Jingli also ran out when he heard the movement, and the moment he saw Ye Qianyue, he burst into tears.

"Wuuu, sister, you're finally back, hurry up and see your mother! She, she..."

It was miserable to cry, although Ye Jingli was usually more mature than his peers, but when it came to his own mother, he couldn't control his fear.

He was really afraid that his mother would really be infected with the terrible plague and become a living dead without thought or soul.

Ye Qianli, who was already suffocated to the extreme fear, saw Ye Qianyue for a moment, as if he had found the backbone, and then burst into tears as if to vent.

Not only did he feel that he had found the backbone, Ye Rongtian also felt that Ye Qianyue was back, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

"What's the matter, mother?" Ye Qianyue's heart was lifted into her throat in an instant, she didn't expect that she would face an accident just after returning.

"Mother has been feeling unwell for the past few days. She thought it was just a cold and she didn't want me to tell my father, but today it suddenly became serious. I saw that the symptoms looked like the plague..." Ye Jingli wiped his tears explain.

As soon as the words fell, Ye Qianyue's figure disappeared in place, the speed was astonishing.

Mingxiu also disappeared, followed by Ye Jingli and Ye Rongtian.

In the backyard, in the room where Mrs. Ye was, the woman lying on the bed had her eyes closed, and her weak breathing seemed to stop at any moment. Her face was so pale that even the blood on her lips had disappeared, and there was a faint red mark between her brows. .

Ye Qianyue quickly pushed open the door, and walked to the bed almost in three steps. Looking at Mrs. Ye who was in a coma, her hands trembled.

Her mind was full of her mother's usual care and love for her, and her heart throbbed slightly.

(End of this chapter)

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