The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 577 I Will Wait Until That Day

Chapter 577 I Will Wait Until That Day

At the same time, she also accepted this mother who had left her since she was a child!After all, she was doing it for her sister, and she didn't intend to abandon her child on purpose. If Su Changxue took the newly born little Qianyue away, she would have put little Qianyue in danger.

How can a woman who is cold on the outside and warm-hearted on the outside sacrifice herself for the sake of those she cares about is a mother who abandons her children?

Therefore, Ye Qianyue admitted the fact that Su Changxue was her mother, and made a decision without hesitation that she must find Su Changxue!There is also her biological father, although there is no such thing as that man in memory, but the person who can be attracted by Su Changxue and who can become her father must not be bad.

"Xiaoyue, you can stop treating us as parents in the future. I tell you today because I want you to know your real life experience. I believe you will be able to find your biological parents and reunite your family." See Ye Qianyue Without speaking, Ye Rongtian spoke slowly, but in that tone, no matter how you heard it, there was a touch of disappointment.

Shaking her head, Ye Qianyue raised her eyes to look at Ye Rongtian, bent her lips and said, "Father, mother, no matter what happens, you are my parents. As for my parents, I will also go I found it. Don't worry."

She will never let down Ye Rongtian and his wife's kindness and love for her in nurturing her, so she will never deny her adoptive parents.

"I want to know more about my father." Ye Qianyue continued, only hearing Mrs. Ye talk about Su Changxue, but she only mentioned her father a little, which made her feel a little curious.

"Your father's name is Ling Zhantian. He is a casual cultivator. When your mother met him, he was practicing alone in the Demonic Beast Forest. Afterwards, they got married and never saw your father's relatives appear. Only your mother knows best about him, and I don't know either. I always feel that your father's life experience is also very mysterious, but one thing is very clear. Your father is definitely not an ordinary person. Back then he resisted the three Niantian Emperors alone. A master in the mid-term, he fought for a day and a night, and was seriously injured in the end, and his level at that time was only the peak of Nianzong." Madam Ye couldn't help but see a gleam of light when she said this.

Ye Qianyue took a deep breath, her eyes widened.

What kind of evildoer is her cheap father? !
A Nian Zong peak. How many levels in a row, against three Nian Tiandi mid-term masters?He fought for a day and a night, and survived in the end?

This is too outrageous!

Ye Qianyue finally knew who she inherited her perverted physique from.

"I see, father, mother, don't worry, I will definitely find them both, and then bring them back, so that we can really be regarded as a family reunion!" Ye Qianyue said firmly, her eyes burning.

Lingyun Continent, she has another reason to go!
As long as she breaks through the stage of Niansheng, she will be able to go to Lingyun Continent openly!

At that time, the members of the Situ family will also wait for her well. She has been tricked by them in the ancient ruins, but she will firmly remember that sooner or later they will pay it back!

"I believe, I will wait for that day." Upon hearing Ye Qianyue's assurance, Mrs. Ye smiled happily.

With Ye Qianyue's guarantee, she believed that the day of family reunion would not be too far away!
(End of this chapter)

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