Chapter 580 Only half an hour
"Teacher, just relying on the energy of the light department is not enough. I will find a way to add some fire and wood medicinal materials to neutralize each other. Before I can research it, I will have to trouble the two teachers first. It's being refined." Ye Qianyue thought that she had to find a way to make more potions, so she said to Nan Feng and the others.

Naturally, they would not object. Nan Feng and Gu Rong also knew that Ye Qianyue possessed the Phoenix Soul Fire and could better prepare potions, so they nodded together at the moment, and then went to the side to refine potions.

"Huabao, take a break first." Ye Qianyue looked at Huabao.

"I know, mother, you have to work hard!" Hua Bao happily shouted with deep admiration in his big sky blue eyes.

Nodding her head, Ye Qianyue immediately began to concentrate on refining.

Gradually pondering, Ye Qianyue fused some fire-type herbs and wood-type herbs into it, looking for the most suitable critical point.

After refining for a day and a night, Ye Qianyue finally perfectly integrated several kinds of fire-type and wood-type herbs into the potion.

A lot of mental power was consumed, and Ye Qianyue's face looked a little pale.

"Teacher, just combine these medicines with the medicines made by the teachers at a ratio of three to one." After refining countless medicines, Ye Qianyue said looking very tired.

Different from ordinary refining, creating a fusion potion requires more spiritual power, and such consumption is also very huge for Ye Qianyue.

"Understood, you should go and rest quickly." Unlike the potion refined before, the concentrated version refined by Nan Feng and Gu Rong this time only needs one drop each time after mixing. It can almost cure a newly infected person, and about seven drops can eliminate the dead energy in a severely infected person.

Although the Gu worms are still there, they are not deadly. The next step is to find the Gu king who controls the Gu worms.

She was indeed very tired, and Ye Qianyue didn't dare to really fall asleep, but sat on a stool beside her, dozing off drowsily.

"Mother, let me help you." Looking at Ye Qianyue's tired look, Hua Bao was very distressed, and immediately raised her hand and tapped lightly on the void.

A burst of incomparably moving fragrance immediately permeated the air, with a calming effect, it immediately made Ye Qianyue close her eyes comfortably.

The bouts of dull pain in her mind also disappeared, and Ye Qianyue only felt that she had an unprecedented good sleep, and all the fatigue was eliminated when she was drowsy.

The aroma had a calming effect, and Ye Qianyue woke up quickly.

Feeling as if she had slept for a long time, Ye Qianyue woke up faintly, and the exhaustion on her body had completely disappeared.

Unable to be surprised, Ye Qianyue looked at Hua Bao, "How long have I been asleep?"

"It's only half an hour." Huabao came to Ye Qianyue's side very considerately, and gently rubbed her cheek, "Mother, I gave you a soothing fragrance to help you rest, you How do you feel now?"

"It's much better. It seems that all the fatigue on my body has been swept away." Before Hua Bao had such a good ability, Ye Qianyue kissed her little face immediately, and then looked at Nan Nan who had completed the fusion. Feng and Gurong.

(End of this chapter)

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