Chapter 583 I Look Good

"Most of the infected people who first appeared in the imperial capital came from the west of the imperial capital. Even if they were not from the west city, they had been to the west city during the period of infection." Mingxiu quickly continued, "I will go to the west city too. I have investigated the west city, and there is no one inhabited there, I am not a pharmacist, and I don’t know much about the plague, so it’s better for you to go there yourself.”

"Okay, I'm leaving now!" Ye Qianyue got up without hesitation, and followed Mingxiu to leave the Ye family.

"Sister is really hard work." Seeing Ye Qianyue leaving in a hurry, Ye Jingli frowned and said.

Hearing this, Ye Rongtian let out a long sigh, then looked at Ye Jingli, "Li'er, stay at home with mother obediently, I'll go find your second brother."

"Daddy, go slowly." Ye Jingli nodded and said immediately since he was very sensible since he was a child.

Seeing Ye Jingli's sensible look, Ye Rongtian was also relieved, and strode away.


Here, Ye Qianyue and Mingxiu soon arrived at the deadly West City.

The entire West City is no longer inhabited. The original people in the West City were killed or injured, even if they survived, they have long been reduced to emotionless killing machines.

After quickly looking around, Ye Qianyue found nothing but dilapidated streets and houses.

"The death aura in this place is really damn heavy." The strong death aura directly smoked out Shi Qi.

Frowning in disgust, Shi Qi was obviously very disgusted with the dead air that filled the sky, and was almost about to be vomited.

"The problem must be in the west city." After saying this seriously, Ye Qianyue frowned immediately, "But we haven't found the exact place yet, since this kind of plague is caused by Gu If the worms spread, there must be a lot of Gu worms somewhere."

"Moreover, it's something that everyone in Xicheng will come into contact with..." Saying this, Mingxiu looked at Ye Qianyue, and asked with bright eyes, "Could it be that there is a problem with the water source in Xicheng? Others It’s not good to say anything about it, but the source of water can be accessed by anyone.”

"That makes sense! Let's go and look in the direction of the water source." After saying this quickly, Ye Qianyue's toes touched the ground, and she headed for the water source in Xicheng.

The water source of Xicheng is a tributary branched from the back river of the imperial capital's main water source, and the tributary is divided into countless small tributaries, which flow into the wells of each household.

However, what surprised Ye Qianyue and the others was that the tributary water source they saw was crystal clear and completely unpolluted.

They thought they would see the dead air all over the sky, but the three of Ye Qianyue really didn't expect that this tributary was not polluted at all!
"Could it be that we are thinking wrong?" Asked such a question depressedly, Ye Qianyue looked at the clear tributary, and always felt that there was something wrong...

Soon, Ye Qianyue noticed the abnormality, and Ye Qianyue's eyes lit up, "No! There is a problem with this water source!"

"What's the problem? I look fine." Shi Qi floated on the water source, looked carefully, and found nothing abnormal.

In his opinion, the water source is quite good, the bottom is crystal clear, and the pebbles at the bottom can be seen clearly, there is nothing wrong with it at all.

(End of this chapter)

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