Chapter 585 It's Too Ruthless!
"Of course I'm just waiting for the rabbit, so I'll catch him off guard!" Just like a cunning little fox, Ye Qianyue said with a chuckle.

"But I heard what your two teachers said. It seems that the person who released the Gu worm is very cunning. If we want to catch it, I'm afraid it will not be an easy task." Killing Qi frowned immediately, and said solemnly.

"No matter how cunning a person is, they can't escape from my palm. Don't worry, I have my own tricks." Speaking of this, Ye Qianyue smiled crookedly with her slender eyes, and immediately leaned towards the two of them, Said a few words to them gently.

The expression on his face was first puzzled, then surprised, and finally turned into a snicker, Shi Qi looked at Ye Qianyue, and couldn't help giving a thumbs up, "Fortunately, I'm not your enemy, you girl, you are so cruel Already!"

"It should be treated like this for the people in the Dark Pavilion." Smiling in satisfaction, Ye Qianyue saw that Mingxiu also had a meaningful smile on her face, and immediately raised her eyebrows vigorously, "Let's go, let me treat the people in the Dark Pavilion Prepare a great gift!"

Following Ye Qianyue to prepare, both Mingxiu and Shiqi couldn't wait to see how unlucky the dark pavilion's subordinates were.


As Ye Qianyue expected, as soon as the antidote appeared, the dark demons couldn't hold back soon.

On the second night, by the river.

The moon star is sparse, and the moon in the sky is like a silver plate hanging high, constantly emitting bursts of mysterious light.

And soon, a figure wearing a pitch-black robe also quickly came to the back river.

Holding a pitch-black round sphere in his hand, the man in black robe felt the discordant atmosphere around him, and raised his eyebrows in surprise.

On the bank of the back river, there are countless crystals containing strong power, and the deep power is constantly seeping out. If you touch it casually, there must be no good fruit to eat.

"Hmph, it's as cunning as the rumors say! But Ye Qianyue, if you think that you can trap the deity with these pediatric things, that's simply wishful thinking!" The black-robed man saw everything in front of him. After that, he let out a cold snort of disdain, and his sly eyes looked a little ferocious under the moonlight.

Not in a hurry to act, the man in black walked around the river, and soon found a relatively weak spar.

There was a sinister smile at the corner of his mouth, and the black-robed man activated the dead energy in his body, and then waved his hand contemptuously, boulders swarmed out, smashing the energy spar fiercely.

The flat ground was smashed together, and the black-robed man was proudly about to open the ball in his hand, but he suddenly saw several jewel-like lights flashing across the ground.

Subconsciously shivering, under the moonlight, the black-robed man looked at the countless energy spars hidden in the ground, and all the hairs on his back stood up instantly.



Accompanied by the scream of the man in black, the countless energy spars exploded one after another, countless pure energies intertwined with each other, and a terrible wave of fire swept out instantly, accompanied by the noise of dust all over the sky. Get up, it's heart-shattering!
"Hahahaha, I stepped on it!" Hiding in the woods on one side, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing out loud at this moment, watching the rising waves of fire with complacency, and shouted loudly. He said, "The black-clothed ghost in the Dark Pavilion, do you like this big gift that your aunt prepared for you?"

(End of this chapter)

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