Chapter 594 Don't worry
"Second brother, Linyuan arranged for his men to protect us, and they will lie in ambush around them. As long as this stone is crushed, they will come from the dark to protect us in the open, but you have to remember, second brother, It is our Ye family's last life-saving hole card, and it must not be used until the dark pavilion comes to the door."

"I understand, you can leave the family affairs to me at ease." Ye Yunxiao looked at Ye Qianyue with a bit of worry and reluctance, "Xiaoyue, you must be careful."

Hearing this, Ye Qianyue nodded, then watched Ye Yunxiao leave.

Slightly relieved, Ye Qianyue turned to look at Mingxiu and Shiqi, her face was full of apology, "Sorry, it was my gaffe."

Ye Qianfeng has taken care of Ye Qianyue in every possible way since she was a child. Ye Qianyue has always respected and loved Ye Qianfeng the elder brother the most. Now that she heard that he was seriously injured, her anger swept out and swallowed her everything Being rational made her feel so anxious that she rushed out without thinking about anything.

If it weren't for Mingxiu and the others to stop him, I'm afraid something big will really happen today.

But after hearing Ye Qianyue's apologetic words, Ming Xiu and Shi Qi just smiled at the same time.

"As long as you're fine." Mingxiu's golden eyes were full of deep tenderness, and he looked at Ye Qianyue seriously, "Okay, Ah Yue, since you've calmed down, let's hurry up." Let's go."

"That's right! I'm going to blow the heads of those bastards in the Dark Pavilion that I can't wait to fight!" Excitedly clenched his fists, Killing Qi thought that he would be able to fill up all the people in the Dark Pavilion with his old fists immediately , the corner of his lips evoked a smile uncontrollably.

"Kill Qi, this is for you." Hearing this, Ye Qianyue nodded, then immediately took out two bottles of medicine and handed them to Kill Qi.

As soon as the potion appeared, the energy between the heaven and the earth fluctuated, pure energy continuously emerged from it, and the strong fragrance of the medicine lifted Shi Qi's spirit.

Knowing that what Ye Qianyue gave at this moment must be a rare and good thing, Shi Qi took it carefully, and then asked curiously, "What is this?"

"Although you didn't say it, I also noticed that your spiritual power has been consumed a lot. This is a potion that can greatly increase your spiritual power. Take it quickly. After absorbing it, your spiritual power will Not only can the power be restored, but it can also become stronger than before!"

Ye Qianyue's words made Shi Qi smile immediately, "Little girl, don't worry, the old man will help you beat up all those bastards in the secret pavilion!" Entered Ye Qianyue's scepter space and went to practice.

And here, Mingxiu also built a stable space wormhole, and said to Ye Qianyue steadily, "Let's hurry up, even if we use the space wormhole, it will take a certain amount of time to reach the nine stars." Zong."

The space wormhole and its energy-consuming, but now Ye Qianfeng's life is hanging by a thread, and they can't delay it.

Nodding vigorously at the moment, Ye Qianyue followed Meditation into the space wormhole.

Passing through the space wormhole, the two of them were extremely fast, and rushed towards the Jiuxing Peak where the Jiuxingzong was located.

(End of this chapter)

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