Chapter 603 I Can't Do It!
However, only Jin Yaoling knew that every time he came down from Fenghunhuo, he was the one who was injured!

The power of the Phoenix Soul Fire used by Ye Qianyue is too powerful and domineering. Every time there is a collision, the terrifying temperature will be transmitted to her body again through the Wuxu Fire, and it will hit her palm fiercely, leaving behind A scorching pain!

Apparently, Ye Qianyue also discovered this point. Seeing Jin Yaoling's pale face, Ye Qianyue's subordinates moved more and more quickly, and soon punched heavily again!
There was only a muffled sound, followed by a scream from Jin Rattle!
"Ah!" The scream sounded very shrill, Jin Raoling's palm was completely burned by the Phoenix Soul Fire in an instant, and the hideous burns spread all over the palm, which looked a little hideous and terrifying!
"Ye Qianyue, you bitch!" Jin Yaoling was furious, and immediately glared at Ye Qianyue and said angrily.

"Your mouth is so poisonous, you must have been really hurt by me, right?" Ye Qianyue just let out a cold snort at Jin Yaoling's roar, and said disdainfully.

"You little bitch, how dare you look down on me like this?!" Jin Yaoling's eyes widened, feeling as if she was being looked down upon by Ye Qianyue!

"From the first time I met you, I have always looked down on you." Ye Qianyue snorted without hesitation, Ye Qianyue looked at Jin Yaoling's unbelievable face, and snorted disdainfully, "Like you A woman, I feel disgusted just by looking at her!"

Hearing Ye Qianyue's same words as Ye Qianfeng's, Jin Yaoling was so angry that he was about to go crazy!

"Damn it! You are all damned! I will never let you go!" Jin Yaoling, who had always valued her face the most, couldn't bear the dislike of the siblings for her in every possible way, and immediately let out a roar.

The demon red phoenix soul fire swept out quickly, accompanied by fiery waves of fire, swept out instantly!

"Roar—" I saw that the enchanting Wuxuhuo quickly condensed into a ferocious monster, with a huge figure soaring into the air, and roared angrily at Ye Qianyue.

"You think you're the only one who knows how to condense beasts, don't I!" Facing Jin Yaoling's ferocious sneer, Ye Qianyue became even more disdainful, snorted coldly, and then raised her hand coldly.

I saw flames emanating from the sky, and the scorching heat scorched the surrounding air, causing all the surrounding scenes to be completely distorted and deformed in the scorching air!
"The true body of the Phoenix soul, appear!" Ye Qianyue's cold and sweet voice was like a collision of jade and stones, making one intoxicated.

Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Jin Yaoling immediately saw a scene that surprised her!
I saw waves of fire sweeping out of the sky, carrying an absolutely terrifying temperature, quickly condensing into a huge phoenix shape behind Ye Qianyue!

The phoenix is ​​more than three times bigger than the fierce beast condensed by the golden rattle. Although the figure is still somewhat blurred, the arrogance is extremely arrogant, and the hostility is soaring!

"Jie—!" Fengming's voice was deafening, Jin Yaoling's complexion turned pale upon hearing it.

It is impossible for her flame to be able to defeat such a terrifying phoenix soul fire. The two are not the same concept at all, and she will definitely lose!
Clearly aware of this, Jin Yaoling didn't care so much at the moment, so he could only bite the bullet and fight Ye Qianyue!

The arrow is on the string, and it has to be sent!
(End of this chapter)

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