The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 616 The Woman Playing the Piano

Chapter 616 The Woman Playing the Piano

However, Ye Qianyue hadn't had time to be strong when she suddenly heard a clear and pleasant piano sound.

Like high mountains and flowing water, beautiful and intoxicating, the beautiful sound is as gentle as a small bridge and flowing water, and has the majestic sound of waves. It is really the best piano sound I have ever heard when Ye Qianyue is so big. .

Involuntarily attracted by the sound of the piano, Ye Qianyue turned her head and looked in the direction of the sound of the piano.

I saw a snow-white guqin quietly placed not far from me.

The guqin is very delicate, with a snow-white body carved from beautiful jade and fiery red strings. There is no decoration on it, but it is majestic and majestic, making Ye Qianyue unable to take her eyes off for a while.

Completely attracted by this perfect guqin, Ye Qianyue was about to step up to take a closer look at the guqin, but suddenly saw a strange white light emanating from the guqin's surroundings.

The light contained pure power capable of purifying all filth, which faintly seeped out, and then quickly condensed a woman's figure.

Under Ye Qianyue's watchful eyes, the woman slowly sat in front of the guqin, and then stretched out her fingers like water onions and gently waved the strings.

At that moment, a beautiful sound of the piano broke into the ears, so abrupt, but it couldn't make people feel disgusted.

Really couldn't bear to be intoxicated by the sound of the piano, Ye Qianyue carefully looked at the person playing the piano.

The woman lowered her head and concentrated on playing the piano, so that Ye Qianyue couldn't see her face clearly.

But even if she couldn't see the woman's face, Ye Qianyue could still feel the cold aura on her body like the flowers of Gaoling.

Cool and yet agile, with a touch of arrogance in the agility, the temperament of a woman is like a cloud on the top of a mountain, noble and elegant, making people dare not profane.

Suddenly, she felt that the woman in front of her was a little familiar. While Ye Qianyue was thinking this way, the woman slowly raised her head.

The delicate face is full of peach blossoms, very exquisite, the woman's dark eyes are full of indifferent smiles, and the corners of the bright red lips evoked a light arc, it is Ye Qianyue herself!

That woman playing the piano is actually herself? !

And just when Ye Qianyue realized this, everything around her suddenly shattered, as if the illusion was shattered, and when Ye Qianyue came back to her senses, the surroundings were still dark, but the guqin just now had already disappeared. Shin was held in her arms.

The distance was very close, and Ye Qianyue felt the comfort from the beautiful jade around the guqin, and then she was surprised to find that there were three small characters 'Fuxiqin' engraved on the bottom of the guqin.

Fuxiqin!One of the top ten ancient artifacts!

Completely surprised, Ye Qianyue immediately evoked a happy smile.

Fuxiqin, that is the most yang thing, it is very compatible with her pure power and phoenix soul fire, for her, it is the best weapon!
According to the rumors, as long as the power of Fuxiqin can be exerted, it will destroy the world with just a snap of the fingers!

"Since we are destined, then follow me well from now on, and I will treat you well." Gently brushing over Fuxiqin's body, Ye Qianyue saw that Fuxiqin was glowing with life. , as if agreeing to her.

Overjoyed at the moment, Ye Qianyue quickly put her own soul imprint on the fuxiqin.

 Concubine woke up a little late today, and posted a little late~ Please forgive me~
  New week~ Ask for a monthly ticket, please recommend a ticket~ I love you guys~
(End of this chapter)

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