Chapter 619 Don't waste time

After finishing all this, Ye Qianyue clapped her hands in satisfaction, and said with a smile, "Okay, let's go on, don't waste time."

Looking at Ye Qianyue's confident smile, the two of them, Mingxiu, naturally would not have any objections, they nodded, and then the three of them continued to rush forward.

The more one entered the depths of the Black Wind Valley, the raging death energy became more ferocious, and there were more and more corpses on the ground. Naturally, the strength became stronger and stronger.

I really feel that all the strong men on the Canghe Continent seem to have died here. Ye Qianyue really can't figure out why there are such strong bodies here...

As if it was an appointment, so many strong men died here in one go, it's really strange!

Moreover, looking at these strong men, it is not just that they have encountered things like killing each other, but if there is any mysterious power that can kill so many strong men at once, it would be too terrifying!
Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue's complexion became more and more solemn.

And the death energy became more and more intense, and the three of Ye Qianyue also came to the deepest part of the Black Wind Valley.

"Hey, what's going on...?" His tone was full of horror, and Ye Qianyue couldn't help breaking out in a layer of cold sweat when she saw the terrifying scene in front of her.

Let alone Ye Qianyue, even Shiqi and Mingxiu couldn't help showing expressions of shock and astonishment when they saw everything in front of them.

What everyone saw was a huge mass grave.

The corpses of countless strong men are all piled up here, with a sense of horror that makes people smack their tongues, making people feel creepy at a glance!
A strong dead air rushed over, accompanied by a strong sense of gloom, the faces of the three people who saw it were all very bad!

No matter how determined a person is, seeing so many strong men dying together, one by one lying in a huge deep pit, one can't help feeling terrified!
Not only is this huge deep pit, but there are also countless tombstones beside it. Looking at it from a distance, it is densely packed, which makes people feel sincerely horrified!
Everything is so eerie and creepy.

However, just when everyone was shocked, several shrill screams from monsters suddenly entered the ears of the three of them.

"Be careful!" Ye Qianyue's eyes turned cold when she heard the roar of the monster. ,

The death energy in the depths of the Black Wind Valley is very strong, and ordinary monsters dare not approach here at all, so the monsters that can appear here must be very fierce and terrifying!

Went with Ye Qianyue, Mingxiu and Shiqi were extremely serious.

And soon, countless huge bloodthirsty bat beasts rushed over frantically.

"Ji——!" Looking at Ye Qianyue and the three of them, the bloodthirsty bat beast let out a shrill and sharp scream, which almost pierced into the minds of the three of them, making them feel ashamed. The minds of the three couldn't help but tremble.

"Chi, chirp chirp——!" However, it didn't end with just one call, and a sharper cry erupted from the throats of the bloodthirsty bat beasts. Such a terrifying cry shook everyone. The dead trees around were cracked, and even the ground had large and small cracks, and the cracks spread rapidly!
(End of this chapter)

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