Chapter 627 I miss you so much
On the opposite side of Si Linyuan, Ye Rongtian was holding a sunspot with a sad face, looking hesitant.

There was no time to care whether the two were playing chess or what, Ye Qianyue had an indelible bright smile on her face, and directly rushed into Si Linyuan's arms.

Taking a deep breath full of nostalgia, Ye Qianyue indulged in Si Linyuan's warm embrace, and asked in a soft voice, "Why did you come back so early? Has everything in Shura City been resolved?"

But remembering the critical situation at that time, Ye Qianyue thought that she would be separated from Si Linyuan for a long time, but she never expected that she would see him again so soon.

The longing for her beloved filled Ye Qianyue's limbs and bones, making her want to snuggle up with Si Linyuan uncontrollably.

"I miss you so much, so I came to look for you in advance." Kissing Ye Qianyue's forehead, Si Linyuan's eyes were filled with tenderness and deep attachment, "What about you, do you miss me?"

In fact, Si Linyuan could tell from Ye Qianyue's bright eyes that she missed him even if she didn't ask, but Si Linyuan still heard Ye Qianyue say that she missed him.

Knowing that Si Linyuan was asking the question knowingly, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes cunningly, and then replied with a smirk, "I don't want to."

"You didn't miss me? It seems that I have to give you a little punishment..." Slightly narrowing his eyes, Si Linyuan's voice was somewhat dangerous, and his lips gradually softened. He leaned towards Ye Qianyue.

And just when the spark of passion between the two was about to ignite, Ye Rongtian over there was so embarrassed that he blushed and coughed stiffly twice, "You two, if you want to make out, And don't make out in front of me."

Turning her head, Ye Qianyue immediately met Ye Rongtian's embarrassed expression.

With a bright smile on her exquisite and beautiful face, Ye Qianyue sat on Si Linyuan's lap, and smiled at Ye Rongtian, "Daddy, you can also talk to Linyuan and me in front of Linyuan and me." Mother is so sweet and so dear."

"You girl, you know how to mess around." Hearing this, the old face turned redder, and Ye Rongtian coughed twice in embarrassment, "Yue'er, you have worked hard this time, and now the plague on the entire continent is gradually turning around." Well, Your Majesty has said, I will reward you well."

"Where is mother, is mother well?" Not interested in rewards, Ye Qianyue only cares about whether Mrs. Ye is well.

"Yue'er, you're back!" As soon as Ye Qianyue's words fell, Mrs. Ye also brought Ye Jingli and Ye Yunxiao over.

Looking at her beloved daughter, Mrs. Ye's beautiful eyes suddenly filled with a layer of mist, and she hurriedly walked towards Ye Qianyue.

Afraid that Mrs. Ye hadn't fully recovered, Ye Qianyue looked at her actions at the moment, and walked up to her with a little worry, and supported Mrs. Ye, "Mother, you are fine, you should have a good rest, why? Are you still out and about?"

"Mother is fine, thanks to you successfully getting rid of Gu King, mother is fine now." Saying that, Mrs. Ye looked at Ye Qianyue nervously, "Yue'er, let mother take a good look, you are hurt Already?"

"Mother, I'm fine. There's nothing wrong with me." Seeing Mrs. Ye's sincere worry about herself, Ye Qianyue said softly, with a warm current flowing in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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