Chapter 630 Please Calm Your Anger

The half of Jin Yaoling's face destroyed by Ye Qianyue was covered with a silver-white mask. At this moment, she was kneeling down nervously, waiting nervously, with a serious expression on her face.

Compared to Jin Yaoling's anxiety, Beigong Huoyin was much calmer.

Still with that enchanting Wushuang appearance, Beigong Huoyin not only did not kneel down on the ground, but instead sat down drinking tea calmly with an indifferent expression on his face.

Every movement seemed to be incomparably perfect. Beigong Huoyin's crimson eyes were faintly beating with an icy light, and there was sarcasm and indifference in his eyes, and he looked lightly at the pale man sitting on the throne. young man.

The man's complexion was as pale as a dead man's, and his face was handsome, which was exactly what Shi Qi looked like!

It is obvious that there is no breath, and what is in front of him is the body that Shi Qi has been looking for for many years.

And around Shi Qi's body, a cloud of black air lingered around him, repeatedly trying to penetrate into Shi Qi's body, but every time he would just go straight through Shi Qi's body, no matter how hard he tried. , and cannot enter it.

He failed several times, the cloud of black air was obviously angry, and an angry roar erupted from his throat, his whole body violently surged, and then instantly condensed into a human shape.

An incomparably ferocious light danced in the scarlet eyes, the Dark Demon gritted his teeth, and angrily swung a fist, directly smashing one side of the solid stone pillar!

"Damn Si Linyuan, I must kill him!!" The angry roar was sharp and ugly, and the dark demon was so angry that he was about to go crazy! !

Thinking that he managed to capture the body of Killing Seven back then, it was because Killing Seven's body was strong enough to make him truly a human being with substance.

But because Si Linyuan had severely injured him before, brought him indelible trauma, and caused his spirit to be greatly hurt, he could no longer fuse with his body, and he could only be an incorporeal person forever in the future. Illusory soul!
Thinking of this, he couldn't hide the ferocious murderous aura surging in his heart, the dark demon was so regretful that he was about to vomit blood!
"My lord, please calm down..." Jin Yaoling stood aside anxiously, his eyes were filled with deep fear, and tremblingly advised softly.

Who knows, it's good that Jin Yaoling didn't speak, but when he spoke, the dark demon's sharp gaze fell on her fiercely.

The dark demon trembling crazily with strong anger, without saying a word, he came in front of Jin Raoling in a blink of an eye.

Raising his head in astonishment, Jin Rattle looked at the Dark Demon with hideous eyes in horror, then flew out fiercely, and threw it heavily on his body.

"Ah!!" There was a scream from the throat, Jin Yaoling was kicked out by the Dark Demon, and then fell to the ground like a dead dog, and immediately spit out A mouthful of blood.

Jin Yaoling, who was tortured by the severe pain in her chest, wanted to faint directly, but Jin Yaoling also knew that if she really passed out, the dark demon would definitely give her a more terrible punishment!

At the moment, she could only support her body, Jin Yaoling knelt down on the ground trembling, and when she opened her mouth, blood gushed out uncontrollably.

It was dark in front of her eyes, but Jin Yaoling still said in fear, "Please calm down, my lord..."

(End of this chapter)

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