Chapter 635 You deserve to be single

The sentence 'I really miss me' made all the men present feel bad.

However, Ye Qianyue was very satisfied, and without hesitation, she gave Si Linyuan a big kiss, then waved her hand, and looked proudly at Ye Yunxiao over there, "Second brother, study hard!" Be careful. You see that you can't speak, you deserve no girls to like you. "

After saying this, Ye Qianyue asked everyone to help move out all the things in the secret room, leaving Ye Yunxiao alone outside the door in a mess. After a long while, she finally came back to her senses and yelled the word 'rely' in embarrassment.

One by one, the steel refined by Ye Qianyue was brought out one by one. Everyone was completely dumbfounded looking at the steel scattered all over the floor.

These have just been big and small, and they are all different.

The big ones are more than two meters long, while the small ones are no more than half the size of a fingernail. They are piled up all over the floor in a complicated and intricate manner, and it is completely impossible to see what they are used for.

"Yue'er, what on earth are you planning to do?" Ye Rongtian looked at the large and small steel on the ground, completely unable to guess what Ye Qianyue was going to do.

At this moment, Ye Qianyue, who had already washed her face, was still smiling, "Build a cannon!"

"Cannon? Sister, what is a cannon?" Ye Jingli looked curiously at the large and small steel on the ground, raised his head directly, and asked Ye Qianyue innocently.

"After reading it, you will all know." Ye Qianyue deliberately bought a pass, and Ye Qianyue rolled up her sleeves directly after speaking, and began to quickly assemble the steel materials.

In the last life, the weapons on the earth had developed to a terrible level. Although Ye Qianyue couldn't make anything like a laser atomic bomb, it was still no problem to make things like cannons.

Possessing amazing and terrifying computing power, Ye Qianyue quickly pieced together the huge cannon under the puzzled eyes of everyone.

And everyone stood aside and watched silently, the expression on their faces quickly changed from doubt to surprise, and finally directly fixed on the shock!

I saw a huge black cannon majesticly standing in the same place, and it looked a bit tough and iron-blooded.

Just standing there made people unable to take their eyes off the heavy cannon. Everyone was curious for a moment, how powerful this thing could be.

Seeing everyone's surprised look, Ye Qianyue's smile widened, and she continued to assemble.


Time flies, five days later.

The scorching sun was in the sky, and several figures came aggressively, and then stopped above the castle where the dark demon was.

Appearing in the sky were Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan, Mingxiu and Shiqi four people. At this moment, the four of them looked at the enchantment below that could almost be faked, and they all raised their eyebrows involuntarily.

"It's no wonder we haven't been able to find out where the dark demon is. It turns out that this guy is hiding here." Looking down, Ye Qianyue gently narrowed her eyes and counted lightly.

I saw that the enchantment below was like a huge mirror. In this huge mountain forest, people couldn't see any clues, let alone feel any breath in it.

No wonder they couldn't find it after searching for such a long time. From this point of view, Dark Demon is really a cunning guy.

(End of this chapter)

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