Chapter 651 Must be happy
The face was flushed, Younina was served very comfortably, a raging smile appeared on the corner of her lips, "What else can it be because of it, of course it is because the things that have been threatening this goddess are no longer It exists!"

Speaking of this, Yunina's eyes danced with a crazy smile that could almost overflow!
Just a few days ago, Yunina felt that she was out of the control of that bitch Jin Yaoling!
Moreover, it was because Jin Rattle died!Once this slut dies, she will not be threatened in any way in the future, and she will become a real temple goddess, be loved by others, and never have to be trampled by that slut again!
I really don't know who helped me get rid of that bitch, Yunina really wanted to thank that person face to face.

However, this is just thinking about it, she is so noble now, she is the woman with the highest status in the temple!

Her good days have come, as long as she continues to work hard to become the high priest of the temple, then she will be able to control the entire Canghe Continent, and while being worshiped and loved by others, she will completely play with everything under her applause ! !
Thinking of this, the corners of Yunina's lips couldn't help evoking a bright smile!

The movements of squeezing the attendants became faster and faster, Younina let out a high-pitched, comfortable, refreshing cry from her throat, followed by a coquettish, coquettish, coquettish, trembling body After slamming twice, he fell powerlessly on the attendant's body.

And the servants under Younina were almost squeezed dry, their faces were ashen, and their breath was vain, and they were about to die.

In a good mood, Younina knew that she could find more handsome attendants in the future, so she naturally didn't mind dying with such a one.

It has been celebrating like this for several days, and Yunina at this moment is still thinking that after Qi Che and Ye Qianyue come back, she can find a way to take the credit of these two people again, so that the high priest will value herself even more!
Thinking of this, Younina had an almost perfect smile on her face, waved her hand lazily, and asked someone to bring over mellow wine and fresh fruits.

The life is really incomparably leisurely, but before Younina can continue to enjoy it, Lady Li ran in recklessly, with an unconcealable smile on her face, "Master Goddess, Lord High Priest Please go to the headquarters as soon as possible."

"So suddenly?" I thought that every time the high priest wanted to see her, he would notify her in advance, and he had never called her there in such a hurry.

"Mr. Goddess, now that the plague issue has been resolved, the High Priest must be happy to let you go!" Lady Officer Li knew that Younina was happy these days, so she flattered her with a smile on her face.

"Well, it makes sense, help me to dress up quickly, remember to dress up nicely, don't make the high priest wait!" Younina immediately showed a bright smile on her face, and then quickly asked Li The maid dressed her up.

After an hour, she finally went out dressed like a gem hill, and Yunina couldn't wait to use the teleportation scroll to reach the headquarters of the temple.

Along the way, she followed the attendant quietly and walked forward, but Younina couldn't wait in her heart!
The plague incident was a great achievement, and the reward given by the high priest this time will definitely not be bad!

Thinking of this, she could hardly restrain the excitement in her heart. Younina was too happy, so she didn't see the cold expression on the attendant's face when she saw her...

(End of this chapter)

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