Chapter 658
"This, isn't it the beauty vine in the outer forest?!" Such a strange plant, someone in the hall recognized it immediately, with a shocking tone, but also a trace of unresolved fear!
It is natural to be frightened!This beauty vine is one of the most ferocious carnivorous plants in the outer forest! !
This kind of beauty vine uses delicate female camouflage to attract prey. Once a human comes close, it will swallow it directly and then slowly digest it.

It is rumored that there used to be many beauty vines on the outskirts of the outer forest, but because of too much harm, they were all gradually hunted down, and some of the surviving ones fled to the deepest part of the forest...

And in the outer forest, there has not been such a beauty vine in 20 years.

This beauty vine can open eyes if it eats one person, and can talk if it eats ten people. It is rumored that it can walk on the ground after eating a thousand people. It is really extremely cruel!

And the most important thing is that the fragrance emitted from this beauty vine is actually a kind of ecstasy... medicine, if inhaled for too long, it can make people lose their minds!
"Princess Phoenix City, this beauty vine is a harmful thing. You just sent it here, but you can't provoke us in Shura City." Without anger, Si Linyuan looked at Feng Longshuang over there, with a tinge of emotion in his tone. With a faint killing intent.

"Your Majesty Shura has misunderstood, this is the ten thousand-faced beauty vine treasured by our royal family in Phoenix City. It is a rare thing in heaven and earth. It can sing along with the moving music, and it is full of fragrance. It is really beautiful. A good thing." Feng Takishuang said so, and had already taken out a delicate pipa from her ring.

The pipa seems to be condensed from the vines over there, the whole body is emerald green, and the strings glow with a faint purple light. There is a hint of evil in the mystery.

"Please rest assured that after being trained, the Wanmian Beauty Vine will not release poisonous gas, but will release a refreshing aroma. But if you only talk about it like this, you probably won't be able to feel it well. Now I will draw Singing to the Ten Thousand Faces Beauty Vine, I think that as long as you have heard the most beautiful singing in this world, you will all fall in love with this precious Beauty Vine."

As she said that, Feng Takishuang raised her hand, and her slender nails gently plucked the strings.

With a sound of 'Zheng——', the body of the piano fluctuates, with a bit of enchanting charm. Between the flicks, the thick breath gushes out like a tide, and it also makes the beauty vine with its eyes tightly closed swish. He opened his eyes all at once.

The purple eyes danced with bursts of light, carrying a natural charm.

Accompanied by the ups and downs of the pipa, the beauty vine also opened its mouth, and softly uttered a soft and enchanting singing voice.

The strange fragrance then diffused out, slowly occupying everyone's senses along with the sound of the piano, reflecting each other with the crisp and bouncing sound of the pipa, and soon made it difficult for everyone present to control, and all were intoxicated by this beautiful performance among.

While playing and singing softly, an evil light slowly appeared in the purple eyes of the beauty vine, and then her body danced lightly, like a captivating fairy, and the fragrance around her body rose wantonly, making it even more difficult for everyone present. Extricate yourself.

They were all fascinated by this beautiful performance, and everyone squinted their eyes in enjoyment, completely unaware that the sound of Feng Takishuang's pipa was getting faster and faster!

(End of this chapter)

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