Chapter 667 I like you the most
"You, you're just so worried." Seeing Ye Qianyue, who was domineering in front of outsiders, become a docile little sheep in front of her, the tenderness in Si Linyuan's eyes grew a little more.

"If it wasn't for your affairs, I wouldn't like to worry about it." Hearing Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue pursed her mouth in displeasure, and said with a bit of coquettishness.

"Okay, okay, it's all my fault, I was punished voluntarily, and I will listen to you whatever you say." Si Linyuan was full of love and compassion, and kissed Ye Qianyue's pouting soft and thin lips.

"Since you said so, then you have to do what you say, and you can't go back on your word." Seeing that Si Linyuan nodded seriously, Ye Qianyue narrowed her eyes and smiled softly, "Then I want to go A trip to the Four Seas City."

"No." His expression immediately became serious, Si Linyuan saw Ye Qianyue raised her brows high, and knew she was angry, and immediately put on a smiling face, "Ah Yue, there is no one in Sihai City. It's yellow sand in the desert, there's nothing to see, and now the big and small things in the city are complicated, I can't escape, I can't go with you."

"You are willing to accompany me, but I am not willing to ask you to go with me. You are the lord of Shura City. There are too many people who know you, which is not conducive to my actions." After hearing Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qian Yue poked his cheek in displeasure, "You can't go back on what you promised me just now, or I'll ignore you!"

"Then, why don't I ask Qianying to accompany you, he is familiar with the terrain and has good strength." Hearing that Ye Qianyue wanted to ignore her, how could Si Linyuan dare not agree.

"No, I'll go by myself." As she said, Ye Qianyue hugged Si Linyuan's neck and kissed him deeply, "Okay, you also know that I won't mess around, and we can contact each other through earrings. Ah, I promise you, I will report to you whatever happens to me!"

She also knew that Ye Qianyue was not the kind of foolish person, but Si Linyuan was still worried.

Seeing Ye Qianyue's serious face, Si Linyuan finally surrendered.

No matter how powerful he is outside, he can't be cruel to Ye Qianyue, no matter what, as long as Ye Qianyue is happy, Si Linyuan will definitely do it.

"Okay, I promise you, but I still have to ask Qianying to take you there. The surroundings of Universal City are full of deserts, and it's easy to get lost."

"Linyuan, you are so kind, I like you the most." Saying that, Ye Qianyue actively raised her head and offered her lips.

Naturally, he would not let go of any chance of intimacy, Si Linyuan's golden eyes shone brightly, and immediately sealed Ye Qianyue's soft lips.


Now that she had decided to leave, Ye Qianyue packed her bags as quickly as possible, and then, led by Qianying, came to the border of Universal City.

"Queen, we have arrived." After passing through an endless desert, Ye Qianyue and the two finally arrived in the Four Seas City smoothly.

Looking at the huge city in front of her, Ye Qianyue, who has turned into a man's clothes at the moment, is a little less agile and more cold, like an iceberg snow lotus, which makes people almost be caught by those dark eyes at a glance The rising chill froze.

"Qianying, let me ask you, are there any precious treasures in the Four Seas City?" Before leaving, Ye Qianyue stopped Qianying and asked curiously.

(End of this chapter)

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