The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 684 She must be sincere to me!

Chapter 684 She must be sincere to me!
Seeing that Hai Zhenyun's mood improved a lot, the guard couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, and didn't dare to waste any time, so he hurriedly invited Hai Hai'er over.

"Father, Jing'er is here to greet you." Haijing'er seemed to be in a good mood, with a spring-like smile on her face, and hurriedly bowed to Hai Zhenyun.

"Jing'er, I haven't come back to see my father for such a long time, come quickly and let my father take a good look." Looking at Haijing'er, Hai Zhenyun felt happy, and hurriedly looked at Haijing'er He beckoned.

"Father, Jing'er is worried about you, so she's back." Naturally, she was very eloquent, Hai Jing'er hurriedly came to Hai Zhenyun's side, and looked at Hai Zhenyun obediently.

"Little girl, when will you know how to worry about your father!" Having said that, Hai Zhenyun's words did not have the slightest sense of reproach, "Okay, what else do you want? Tell father directly, don't beat around the bush like this."

Hai Zhenyun knew Haijing'er best, if he had nothing to ask of himself, Haijing'er would not act like a spoiled child.

"Father Wang Yingming, Jing'er came here this time, and there is indeed one thing that he wants to ask Father." Said, Haijing'er was a little embarrassed, and said softly, "Father, Jing'er wants We're getting married."

"Oh?" It was obviously a little unexpected. Hai Zhenyun needed Haijing'er to stay in the Four Seas City, so of course he couldn't let her go out to get married. "Which son of our Four Seas City is Jing'er interested in? Tell me, Your father is going to marry you."

He has always wanted to keep Haijinger in the Four Seas City forever, so Hai Zhenyun will naturally not object to Haijinger getting married.

After getting married, his heart is settled, and he doesn't have to worry about Hai Hai'er running around in the future.

As the only person in the royal family of the Four Seas City who can make the best use of Bihaizhu's ability, what Haijing'er needs most in her life is to make a good contribution to the royal family, to be a captive canary .

"No, it's not the noble ministers in the city that Jing'er fell in love with." Thinking of Ye Qianyue, Haijing'er's face suddenly turned red, "What Jing'er fell in love with is the most perfect man in the world , that man’s name is Qianye, he was originally a mercenary in the outer forest around Phoenix City.”

"What? Your status is so low! Jing'er, aren't you fooling around!" Hearing this, Hai Zhenyun's eyebrows frowned, "No, you are a princess, how can you marry such a reckless man!"

"Young Master Qianye is not a reckless man, he is personable and talented!" Hai Jing'er was not happy when Hai Zhenyun objected, and said willfully, "I don't care, I will marry Young Master Qianye!"

"Jing'er, how can you marry such an unknown person!" Seeing Hai Jing'er getting angry, Hai Zhenyun frowned fiercely, "That man must know that you are a princess, so he will take the initiative to find you, What she covets must be your identity!"

"Father! She is really a talented person. You see, this is the blue dragon spirit stone that he gambled at the stone betting meeting before! This is a rare treasure, and she directly gave this good treasure to me. Give it to me, she must be sincere to me!" Hai Jing'er didn't hesitate immediately, and quickly handed the spirit stone to Hai Zhenyun.

How could he know that Ye Qianyue had secretly planted a soul imprint on this spirit stone, Hai Zhenyun looked at the spirit stone, his eyes straightened.

(End of this chapter)

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