Chapter 703 On Wanhua Street
However, once you believe in it, you must believe it to the end. Si Linyuan will not doubt it. He respects Ye Qianyue's thoughts, "The pharmacist in Phoenix City is 120 years old. He has always been a person who is afraid of death. There are so many, it is not easy to attack, but he has this weakness, that is, he has always given birth to girls for so many years, and he did not get a son until he was a hundred years old. This son is his heart and soul. He has been weak and sick since he was a child , you can start from here, presumably you will be able to get close to that alchemist."

"En, I see." Hearing the words, Ye Qianyue's mouth immediately curled into a smile, and then she took the initiative to kiss Si Linyuan's handsome face.

"Okay, let's continue eating. I can't starve my queen." Seeing Ye Qianyue's happy look, Si Linyuan immediately used chopsticks to pick up food for Ye Qianyue, trying to feed his queen as much as possible. White and fat.

After hearing Si Linyuan's words, Ye Qianyue nodded with a smile, and then opened her mouth to eat the food cooperatively.

Soon her belly was full, and Ye Qianyue made a plan to enter the palace of Phoenix City in her heart.

The first thing to solve is that 100-year-old old alchemist...


Half a month later, the imperial capital of Phoenix City.

On Wanhua Street, the busiest place in the imperial capital, there was a queue like a long queue.

Their faces all looked a little pale, and these people were next to each other, as if they were waiting for something.

Looking forward along the line, soon you can see a small stall.

It was a very ordinary stall. On the white tablecloth was only a pulse pillow for feeling the pulse, and there was no flag of "Miaoshouhuichun" erected, but the word "Free Clinic" was pasted. It looked very cold, but the sitting place The man at the stall was so delicate and beautiful.

I saw the man wearing a long silver gown, fading into the banishment, his handsome face looked more and more breathtaking under the sunlight.

The long black hair was casually tied with a red rope, the man lowered his eyes, and his slender eyelashes cast two silhouettes on his fair face.

As if carved out of jade and ice, the man's cold, dark eyes danced with a cold light, but the corners of his lips quietly evoked a touching smile like a spring in March.

The shallow curvature of the corners of the lips is just right, it immediately melts the indifference of the man's body, making it a little softer, making people want to get close to her, but worried that if they are not careful, they will blaspheme the man of perfection.

For a moment, the little girls on the street blushed. While everyone was amazed at the man's beauty, they didn't know that the man with a soft breath was actually a woman, and she was the famous Shura of Shura City. Queen, Ye Qianyue.

Everyone only knows that Ye Qianyue started to set up a stall and open a medical clinic here three days ago.

It was very simple to open the door, but Ye Qianyue's indifferent aura made everyone feel that the man in front of him was absolutely impossible to be just a charlatan.

Then, when Ye Qianyue rescued a dying old man, everyone believed in her exquisite medical skills!

Almost overnight, there was a handsome doctor on Wanhua Street who was treating people for free. It spread all over the streets and alleys of the imperial capital. Almost everyone rushed out of their homes, wanting to let this doctor treat them Take a look at the disease, and enjoy the handsome appearance of the genius doctor by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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