Chapter 714 is just pedantic

He drank the tea in a hurry, breathed hard without breaking the inflammation, and finally calmed down after a while.

His body still looked tired as if his strength had been taken away by someone, Bu Poyan said with a pale face, "Daddy, I'm very tired, I think, I want to take a good rest for a while."

"Okay, okay, come on, lie down quickly!" Seeing Bupoyan like this, Buposhen said worriedly, and then quickly helped Bupoyan to lie down.

Almost as soon as his head touched the pillow, he fell into a deep sleep. Seeing his son so weak, Bu Poshen felt so distressed that it was shameless.

"Master Ye Lin, why is Yan'er still so weak after so many days of treatment?" After finally seeing the light of hope, Bu Po Shen was afraid that Bu Po Yan would return to the dying state before, so he hurriedly joined in When he reached Ye Qianyue's side, he asked.

"If you talk here, you will inevitably disturb the young Patriarch, so please go out with me to talk about it." Ye Qianyue's tone was very light as she looked at Bu Poshen's anxious look.

"Okay!" Where would he hesitate, Bu Po carefully thought that it was almost time for lunch, so he led Ye Qianyue towards the direction of the dining room.

She had already drawn up a plan in her heart, and Ye Qianyue finally spoke under Buposhen's anxious gaze, "The strange disease in the main body of the Shao family is no longer a big problem, and I will go to fix it in the evening. It's enough for the young Patriarch to expel him, but in the past three years, the young Patriarch has suffered a lot of losses. Even if the strange disease is cured, he will die because of his too weak body..."

"Then, is there any cure?!" Hearing that the son he finally rescued was likely to die again, Bu Poshen immediately became anxious, "Master Ye Lin, you also know that I have lived so long. Age, just such a son, if there are other things, it’s fine, but the medicine refining technology of our unbroken family is only passed on to males and not females! If there is no Yan’er, wouldn’t we be doomed if we don’t break the family?!”

Seeing Bu Po Shen's genuinely anxious expression, Ye Qianyue sneered disdainfully in her heart.

It's just pedantic to pass on males and not females.

Though she, Ye Qianyue, is a woman, but when has she ever lost to a so-called man!

If it is a gemstone, it will eventually shine. This is the result of innate and acquired hard work, and has nothing to do with whether it is a man or a woman.

A sneer flashed across the dark eyes, but Ye Qianyue's face was full of concern, "Patriarch, don't worry, this matter is not easy to solve."

Seeing Bupo Shen looking at herself nervously, Ye Qianyue's lips curled up into a faint smile, and then continued slowly, "Young Patriarch is just generally weak now, although he suffered a lot of losses, as long as you use nine If you use the top-grade potion for treatment, then you can recover quickly."

"However, with my current strength, it is still difficult to refine the ninth-grade peak potion..." As he said, Bu Poshen looked at Ye Qianyue anxiously, "Does it have to be such a high-level potion? ?”

"Young Patriarch has suffered too much loss over the years. Only this kind of potion that is close to the top grade can save the young Patriarch without damaging the meridians of the young Patriarch's body." In fact, now you can refine the top-quality potion by yourself , the so-called pinnacle of the ninth rank is no problem for Ye Qianyue.

(End of this chapter)

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