Chapter 716 What Are You Going To Do?

And this sudden increase caused the last sliver of spiritual power to float out of Bu Poshen's body, and instantly made a roaring sound in his mind.

"Ah!" There was a shrill scream from the throat, Bu Po Shen's body finally couldn't hold it up anymore, his whole body trembled unsteadily, it looked like chaff from afar.

Seeing it, it seems like she didn't see it, Ye Qianyue's purpose this time is to use up all of Bu Poshen's strength.

At this moment, Bu Po Shen had exhausted all his strength, and finally even spurted out a drop of blood essence before he finally managed to extract the essence of the last medicinal material.

"Finally, the refinement is over..." After taking a long breath, Buposhen struggled to put the last essence into the jade bottle, and a burst of overwhelming dizziness swept over madly, making Buposhen look miserable is about to fall.

"Patriarch be careful." At this moment, Ye Qianyue blocked Bu Poshen's wobbly body at the right time, and then supported him.

"Miraculous doctor Yelin, I need to take a rest first, pick it up, and then there will be a doctor of labor..." After saying that, Bu Poshen passed out immediately.

"I'm so tired after only refining this amount of medicinal materials. It seems that the level of alchemists in Phoenix City is no more than this." After confirming that Bu Poshen had completely lost consciousness, Ye Qianyue threw him aside casually. On the soft couch, he was still allowed to continue to fall asleep.

"Mother, shall we just kill this old guy?" At this moment, a brilliant pink light swept out, and then Hua Bao's cute figure also appeared in front of Ye Qianyue.

Long silver hair, pink appearance, Hua Bao looked at Bu Po Shen who was lying on the bed, and blinked curiously.

"Kill him now, it won't be easy to do business when I go out, and I still have something I can use to not break the family." He said this with a chuckle, Ye Qianyue said so, raised her hand and snapped her fingers, The fiery red and golden Phoenix Soul Fire immediately appeared in her hands.

The enchanting Phoenix Soul Fire looks very gorgeous, faintly beating with a bit of fiery heat, and the space around it is slightly distorted.

Immediately, she moved her mind, and Ye Qianyue instantly catalyzed the phoenix soul fire into a fire mist.

The scorching hot fire mist rolled gently in the air, and then was quickly inhaled into the body along the nasal cavity by Bu Poxin.

"Hmm...!" A painful groan erupted from his throat, and Bu Po Shen, who had already fainted from strength, trembled unceasingly, but he didn't have the slightest strength to resist, so he could only let that The hot breath gradually seeped into his body.

Looking at all this coldly, Ye Qianyue could clearly feel that the fire mist poured into Bu Poshen's body, and then quickly condensed into a crystal no more than half the size of a fingertip in his body.

"As long as I have this crystal, I can kill the two father and son at any time." After saying this lightly, Ye Qianyue lifted the emerald green Shennong cauldron casually.

"Mother, this old man is obviously using us. He knows that you can cure this strange disease in Phoenix City, mother, so he wants to get a cure from mother!" At this time, Huabao floated obediently in the night Around Qianyue, she looked at Ye Qianyue seriously, "Mother, what are you going to do?"

(End of this chapter)

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