Chapter 720 The Queen Was Wrong
"Okay! Let's go, hurry up to Miaoer's place." Fenglin's seventh princess, Feng Miaoer, has been dying of illness recently, and Fenglin has already prepared a white-haired person to send a black-haired person to her. Just a little bit of hope was burning, and he said such a sentence hastily.

With Feng Lin's permission, Ye Qianyue and his party headed towards the palace where Feng Miao'er lived.

Along the way, Bu Po Shen was always chattering in front of Feng Lin, and Ye Qianyue followed behind them with a pleasing eyebrow.

"Mother, it seems that this person is really planning to take away all your credit, mother!" Hua Bao and Ye Qianyue were connected with each other, and immediately said this sentence angrily in Ye Qianyue's mind.

"Yeah, I can't see Po Shen's appearance, I'm afraid people who don't know may think that he has developed the potion." After listening to Hua Bao's words, Ye Qianyue lowered her eyes lightly, and there were faint pulsations in her words. With a lot of killing intent, "It's just the beginning, let him be a little bit proud, and it won't be too late to say it later..."

Now it's not time to show off his power, Ye Qianyue has already planned everything in his heart, and only waits for Buposhen to sink a little deeper before devouring him in one bite, leaving him no chance of surviving.

As long as he makes a move, he must be watertight and eliminate future troubles forever. The higher Bu Po Shen praises himself now, the worse he will fall in the future!

Soon they arrived at Feng Miaoer's residence, everyone walked into the room, and they saw Feng Miaoer's dead face at a glance.

"Master Bupo, quickly see if Miaoer can be saved." Looking at his dying daughter, Feng Lin quickly looked at Buposhen.

I don't think that Buposhen has only mentioned himself and the Buposhen family since just now, and never mentioned the overnight Qianyue from the beginning to the end, so Feng Lin naturally thought that it was the potion developed by Buposhen, and would never think of all the credit for it. In fact, it should all rest on Ye Qianyue's body.

"This, let Ye Lin come this time." The smile on the corner of Bu Po Shen's mouth froze a bit, not knowing how to really heal illnesses.

"Oh?" Feng Lin looked at Ye Qianyue who had been standing behind them.

Looking at Ye Qianyue's silver-white gown, with a touch of elegance in the coldness, even Feng Lin couldn't help but widen her eyes.

What a handsome man!

She is really incomparably handsome, every part of Ye Qianyue's body is so just right, like the most exquisite artwork in the world.

Involuntarily looking at Ye Qianyue twice, Feng Lin quickly came to his senses.

Ye Qianyue's appearance is indeed very good, but her appearance is not directly proportional to her ability. She still hopes to let Buposhen do it herself, "Master Bupo, since you made this potion, it's better for you to make it."

Seeing that Feng Lin really put the credit on himself, Bu Po Shen was overjoyed, and was about to pretend to refuse, when he suddenly heard Ye Qianyue's cold voice.

"The queen is wrong. This medicine is not made by the master, but developed by me."

The sound was as pleasant as a collision of jade and stones, which surprised Feng Lin and made Bu Po Shen's eyes widen in astonishment!
How could it be, isn't Ye Qianyue always indifferent to fame and fortune? Moreover, what he said to Feng Lin just now was also tentatively taking all the credit for himself. Ye Qianyue has been listening, hasn't she resisted? How could he suddenly tell the truth at such a time! ?
 Hehehe, it's not that easy to take credit for our little Qianyue~!

  8 is more over~~Please ask for a ticket~~Please please~~
(End of this chapter)

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