Chapter 735 The biggest enemy
Ye Qianyue deliberately used a false identity to save Phoenix City, then wiped out the entire Bupo family, and then left!
Everything is just right, just right!
With such scheming, she seemed to have predicted the direction of everything, how could she, how could she...!
Thinking of Ye Qianyue's pseudonym 'Ye Lin', Feng Lin's face instantly turned into a stiff ashen color, and then he was so angry that he spit out a mouthful of blood!

Night is coming!Night is coming!Ye Qianyue is here!It turned out that she had no intention of hiding her identity from the beginning to the end!She just told them who she was to these people!
They were too stupid, so stupid that they didn't realize that the one sneaking into them was their worst enemy! !
Too ingenious, too terrifying, after all, they underestimated Ye Qianyue!
"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, after the Phoenix City is subdued, I will definitely try to save all the people in the Phoenix City." With a faint smile on her face, Ye Qianyue said this sentence calmly talk.

"Bitch! You bitch! I'm going to kill you, I'm going to make you die!" Feng Lin roared directly, and rushed towards Ye Qianyue, "All the soldiers in Phoenix City obey orders and attack the ancient temple gate , Immortal!!"

He also understood that they were all played by Ye Qianyue, Hai Zhenyun also roared angrily at this moment, "All the soldiers of the Four Seas City obey your orders, attack the ancient temple gate, and kill me!!"

Hearing this, the coalition forces of the two cities roared in an instant, and rushed towards the army of Shura City frantically!
It's just that both Hai Zhenyun and Feng Lin had the upper hand, and Ye Qianyue's explosive speech just now greatly reduced the momentum of the coalition forces, and even showed some hesitation.

However, after hesitating, it is the desire for life!

Now, for the coalition forces of the two cities, it is a real last stand. They must not lose, otherwise, they will have absolutely no chance of survival!
"All the soldiers in Asura City obey your orders. Anyone who violates our city will be killed without mercy!" Seeing this, Si Linyuan also waved his hand, and his cold and stern voice was full of majestic grandeur, which provoked everyone in Asura City below. A growl.

"Kill Unforgiven!!" Like the roar of a ferocious beast, Shura City had the upper hand, with a fierce and unparalleled aura, and rushed out frantically.

Looking at the situation below, Si Linyuan and Ye Qianyue knew that going on like this was the way to go.

"Hurry up and get rid of these two people, and then use the Bihaizhu to retreat!" After all, the coalition forces of the two cities have a large number of people, and their momentum is not weak. Once one of them breaks into the gate of the ancient temple, their momentum will be greatly reduced A big discount, when the time comes, it is really impossible to compete!

Hearing Si Linyuan mention Bihaizhu, Hai Zhenyun was furious and gritted his teeth viciously, "Hand over Bihaizhu!"

"Get it yourself if you have the ability." Looking at Hai Zhenyun's murderous look with a cold snort, Si Linyuan raised his hand, and the two flaming dragons with a blazing heat that could almost destroy the sky and the earth instantly smashed the Hai Zhenyun wrapped it all up.

"Ah!!" There was a scream in his throat, and Hai Zhenyun felt that the hot dragon fire not only burned his body, but also burned his soul, leaving him without the slightest bit of pain. With the power of resistance, I can only watch myself being burned into a ball of scorched black!
(End of this chapter)

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