Chapter 767 I don't want to die!

"How many whips you beat my brother, how many wounds I will cut on your body!" On Ye Jingli's small body, there were nearly a hundred wounds, large and small!

She can kill this little innocent child next time, Younina has nothing to sympathize with!

Listening to Ye Qianyue's words, Yunina became more and more panicked, and tried every means to block Ye Qianyue, but she couldn't do anything.

Ye Qianyue's speed is too fast, she can't stop it at all!

She could only watch helplessly as the scalpel in Ye Qianyue's hand turned cold, and Younina completely ran away in anger.

It doesn't matter how much it is, a burst of sharp thought suddenly erupted from Yunina's body, turned into a big hand fiercely, and slapped Ye Qianyue's face.

Gusts of foul wind soon passed over, causing a cold light to flash across Ye Qianyue's dark eyes.

Without even thinking about it, he pushed back, only to see a big hand made of phoenix soul fire suddenly appear, and then directly patted the big hand over there.

Immediately, the two big hands faced each other across the air, and a terrifying spatial fluctuation erupted immediately.

During the collision, a trace of pitch-black space cracks were torn out immediately, revealing bursts of shocking space power, and then burned into nothingness under the scorching temperature of the Phoenix Soul Fire.

The strength is already comparable to Ye Qianyue, and Ye Qianyue also has a strange flame like Phoenix Soul Fire, Yunina is not her opponent at all.

There was a mouthful of blood overflowing from her throat, Younina's face was filled with pain, and she wanted to force the blood down.

Seeing this, Ye Qianyue sneered, a light flashed in the space of the scepter, and Fuxiqin instantly appeared in her hand.

There was only a clear and pleasant piano sound, and then countless wind blades mixed with terrifying power slammed into Younina's chest abruptly.

"Pfft!" A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Yunina had no strength to resist at this moment, and could only pant heavily.

"If you kill me, you won't get anything!" More than [-]% of the bones on her body were broken by the wind blade just now. Although Younina knew that she didn't have real bones, but that feeling must be true. You can't go wrong!
"What you said is indeed true. If I kill you, I will get nothing, but my mood will become better. Based on this alone, I will not let you go." Ye Qianyue said in a very light tone. Then, she shook the five small jade bottles full of blood in her hand at Younina, "Thank you for your generosity. In order to express my gratitude, I will give you a treat."

"Ah, ah, I don't want to die!" A scream erupted from her throat, Yunina's figure instantly turned into a flash of light, and she rushed out towards the exit of the dungeon.

"Today, you can't escape no matter what you say..." After uttering these two words one by one, Ye Qianyue raised her hand and flicked it, and the fiery red and gold Phoenix Soul Fire came out, and then chased after her. The back of Younina leaving, rushed out directly.

"Xiao Li, let's go." Although Ye Jingli suffered a lot of injuries, they were all skin traumas, so after drinking the medicine given by Ye Qianyue, he recovered.

(End of this chapter)

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