Chapter 773 Help me

Whether it is human or tree, as long as it is the vitality contained in the living things, it has not let go of the slightest bit, it is like a flood, continuously instilled into the body by the high priest!
Such a ferocious infusion of energy made Ye Qianyue's expression over there involuntarily change slightly.

"Hua Bao, go protect Xiao Li." After saying this without thinking, Ye Qianyue said flatly.

"Good mother!" Immediately, it turned into a flash of light, drilled out of Ye Qianyue's weight space, and Huabao went towards the direction where Ye Jingli was, and then quickly built a barrier, Ye Jingli was firmly protected in it.

"Sister, brother-in-law, come on!" That strong suction force is by no means something ordinary humans can resist, and Ye Jingli's feet are a little weak after being tortured by the suction force, so he can only try his best to cheer Ye Qianyue and the others !
After hearing Ye Jingli's words, Ye Qianyue and Si Linyuan nodded in unison.

But here, the high priest is still continuously absorbing the energy between the surrounding heaven and earth. While his body is covered with crystalline light and blooming, the high priest's body is also rapidly inflated like a balloon.

Thick vitality crazily filled the high priest's body, making him look a bit terrifying.

"Hahaha, I'm invincible! None of you can beat me!" The body has been completely deformed, and the voice of the high priest is also ugly like a monster, as if it was chewed from the mouth and then spit out, making people People can't help trembling.

"Linyuan, come and help me!" Feeling the high priest's energy soaring rapidly, Ye Qianyue knew that if she wanted to stop him, she had to hurry up, so at the moment, she quickly activated the pure power in her body .

Knowing that it may not be effective with one's own strength, Ye Qianyue understands that as long as her own energy and Si Linyuan's power are superimposed on each other, the high priest will definitely look good!

Naturally, he would not reject Ye Qianyue, Si Linyuan nodded immediately, then immediately raised his hand, and quickly transferred his energy to Ye Qianyue.

With the power of Si Linyuan, Ye Qianyue became even more powerful, and immediately gathered the pure power in her hands, and then threw it fiercely towards the high priest over there.

Before he had time to withdraw the powerful suction around him, the high priest clearly felt the incomparably huge vitality pouring into his body crazily, and immediately stretched his round, ball-like body a bit bigger .

It had already reached its limit, but now the high priest's skin was completely stretched apart, leaving only a thin layer of skin, under which one could even see the almost overflowing thick power!
Immediately, his eyes widened in horror, and the high priest heard Ye Qianyue and the two groaned at the same time.

"From today onwards, there will be no more temples in this world..." Squeezing out such a sentence from his throat coldly, Si Linyuan waved his hand proudly.

I saw a burst of energy bursting out of the air, just like a sharp cold knife, directly cutting through the thin layer of flesh of the high priest.

"no, do not want!--"

Accompanied by the high priest's near-collapse cry, the energy in his body also spread out completely, and then turned into a huge energy explosion!

(End of this chapter)

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