Chapter 780
In fact, Si Linyuan wanted to stay very much, but Ye Qianyue said that he had to find a way to think about the potion that would be refined tomorrow, which made him turn his head every three steps and leave the door with extremely resentful eyes.

Seeing but not being able to eat, this kind of wife is obviously by my side, but I still have to endure the feeling of not being able to eat meat, it is really a painful torment.

Seeing the resentment on Si Linyuan's face, Ye Qianyue couldn't help laughing, and after watching the two go out, she quickly searched for the prescriptions that could be used tomorrow.

Ye Qianyue here not only has the prescriptions given to her by Nan Feng and Gu Rong, but when she was on the floating island before, it goes without saying that she searched the treasure houses of the three cities, even those who did not break the family.

Not to mention that with what she collected on weekdays, it is enough to find a better medicine for suppressing fire poison than the one made by Situ's family.

However, what Ye Qianyue wants to do is not only to help the Huo family, it is as simple as suppressing the Situ family, she has a better plan...

Thinking of this, Ye Qianyue immediately hooked her lips into a smile, and then quickly took out the Shennong Medicine Cauldron, and quickly started refining the potion as she thought in her heart.


Time flies, and the main square of Liucheng today is full of excitement.

The solicitation conference held in the name of the Huo family will naturally attract countless alchemists.

I think that although the Huo family has been terribly suppressed by the Situ family for more than ten years, they used to be a big and respectable family. In addition, the Situ family would not recruit other alchemists except for those who are particularly powerful. Well, these pharmacists have no chance to stand out, so they might as well come to the Huo family to have a try.

In addition, the Huo family said this time, who can win this championship and lead the Huo family out of the current predicament, all the money earned by the Huo family in the future, including the property owned by the Huo family, will be distributed to that Half of the people!
The Huo family has declined a lot now, but it is also a big family!This is a very attractive condition, attracting countless alchemists at once!

Naturally, although there were a lot of pharmacists who came, they were a mixed bag. It was still quite suspenseful to compete with the Situ family.

On the referee's seat, a middle-aged man with a square face looked solemn, carefully observing the alchemists below.

The strengths are all average, and the highest is no more than an eighth-rank alchemist...

The middle-aged man in front of him had a steady breath, and he was the current head of the Huo family, Huo Qitian.

Looking at these alchemists, Huo Qitian's already pale face suddenly became even uglier.

"Cough, cough, cough..." The body obviously looked very bad, Huo Qitian came out to blow some cold wind, and coughed weakly.

And soon, a man whose facial features were [-]% or [-]% similar to Huo Qitian's, but whose face was more handsome and younger, put a cape on Huo Qitian, and his brows were slightly frowned. Worried, he said, "Daddy, your health is not good, why don't you go back and rest early, I'll watch over here."

At that moment, he directly shook his head and refused, Huo Qitian looked at his son who had always been sensible, but shook his head weakly, "Fei'er, this recruitment is related to the future of our Huo family, no matter how hard it is to be a father, Hold on too."

(End of this chapter)

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