Chapter 783 Why is it so scary?

I saw that majestic spiritual power surged out of Ye Qianyue's body quickly, and then what rushed out was to get into the medicine cauldron.

Immediately afterwards, the medicinal materials floating around his body rushed in like flowing clouds and flowing water, and the moment they rushed into the flames, the purest essence was extracted!
Seeing that Ye Qianyue had refined the essence of countless medicinal materials within a few breaths, all the people present widened their eyes in astonishment, looking at Ye Qianyue in disbelief. moon!

Such a fast speed, this, how is this possible! ?
They were also almost blinded by Ye Qianyue's terrifying speed. Huo Qitian and Huo Fei's eyes widened in astonishment, seeing that Ye Qianyue was actually dual-purpose, refining the essence of medicinal materials, while the other side was It is to quickly integrate the essence of the medicinal materials.

It is really unheard of such a terrible thing to refine the essence and then fuse it at the same time! !
Although everyone knew that the medicinal materials refined by Ye Qianyue were not of a very high level, but this kind of miraculous technique still scared everyone present to the point of bad luck!
"Daddy, you are right, maybe our family is really saved..." At this point, Huo Fei looked at Ye Qianyue who had already refined and fused most of the potion, and asked in amazement , "Oh my god, what level of pharmacist is this lady?!"

"Ninth rank, no, it's the pinnacle of ninth rank, even, even higher..." Huo Qitian was obviously frightened, swallowed his saliva nervously, and continued to look at Ye Qianyue's refinement.

After refining nearly a hundred kinds of medicinal materials and completely merging the refined medicines, Ye Qianyue took out nearly [-] kinds of medicinal materials.

It is still not too expensive medicinal material, and Ye Qianyue's refining speed this time is still not slow, and half of it is completed.

The audience was silent, everyone's eyes widened and their mouths widened in surprise. Seeing Ye Qianyue's terrifying speed, they were so frightened that they couldn't utter a word!
terrible!Such refining is too terrifying!

I think Ye Qianyue is simply a monster, but she is so bright and beautiful. While amazed by everyone, I want to get closer to her more and more!
This is an innate charm, a charm that no one can refuse!

In just a quarter of an hour, Ye Qianyue extracted all the essences and successfully fused them.

The other alchemists' eyes widened in astonishment at this moment, even forgetting that they were also here to compete, and they all looked at Ye Qianyue, completely shocked by her terrifying speed.

The point is, Ye Qianyue's speed is nothing more than that, the pharmacists present are all knowledgeable people, and one can see at a glance that Ye Qianyue's speed is not only fast, but also the essence of the medicinal materials refined is incomparably refined. pure!

With speed and quality, where did this woman come from? Why is she so scary? !
Concentrating on the whole process, Ye Qianyue completely ignored the horrifying gazes of everyone present, and was just busy with her own affairs.

The refining and fusion of medicinal materials are completed, and the next step is sublimation.

This time, Ye Qianyue also knew that sublimation was a slow process. With the accumulation of time and temperature, the more spiritual power penetrated into the liquid medicine, the more effective the medicine would be.

(End of this chapter)

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