The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 792 What's the matter with you?

Chapter 792 What's the matter with you?
The lottery starts on the 15th, dear friends of the weekly fan list, hurry up and leave a message on the QQ account, Feier will send you book coins~~
But here, Situ Xin's severed hand could not be reattached, and many bones in his limbs and body were also broken.

But what Situ Liu couldn't accept the most was the cyclone in Situ Xin's lower abdomen, which was also crushed by Ye Qianyue.

Cyclone, that is used to store and generate thought power, without this thing, Situ Xin is already a waste now.

Incomparably angry in his heart, the current Situ Liu can't wait to beat Ye Qianyue to ashes!
I think Situ Xin is the best of all his children, and now he is also a seventh-rank pharmacist. Who knew that Ye Qianyue would just abolish him like this!
I can't wait to destroy Ye Qianyue, but Situ Liu completely forgot that at the beginning, he sent someone to kill Ye Qianyue without knowing what to do, which made Ye Qianyue so angry!
And just as Situ Liu was thinking about how to treat Situ Xin who woke up, Situ Xin woke up not long after taking the medicine again.

Those almond eyes were full of panic, Situ Xin looked around in a daze, his eyes filled with panic.

"Xin'er, my daughter, you're finally awake." Situ Liu felt sorry for Situ Xin the most, and now that she was awake, he felt relieved.

The alchemy technique on Lingyun Continent is much more advanced than that on Canghe Continent. As long as you work hard, you can save Situ Xin.

Thinking of this, Situ Liu hastily comforted Situ Xin, "Xin'er, don't be afraid, with Daddy here, Daddy will definitely restore your qi vortex, and will not make you a useless person."

However, Situ Xin completely ignored Situ Liu, and just stared blankly at his severed hand with empty and scary eyes.

"Xin'er, don't be afraid, your hand, as a father, will find a way for you..." As he said this, Situ Liu also knew that it was nothing to want Situ Xin's old hand to grow back again. simple things.

Unless, unless he takes back the remnants of Ye Qianyue's body and becomes the elder of the main family of the Situ family!
As long as one becomes an elder of the Situ family, no matter what precious potion is needed, it is a small matter that can be easily grasped!
"Xin'er, don't worry, as long as you get rid of that little bitch Ye Qianyue, Dad will become the elder of the family, and by then, your illness will be completely cured!"

Situ Xin, who was originally sluggish, heard the word 'Ye Qianyue', her body trembled violently, and then looked at Situ Liu affectionately with a bit of stiffness.

It was only then that he noticed Situ Xin's abnormality. Situ Liu looked at her, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and tentatively stretched out his hand, "Xin'er, what's wrong with you?"

"Ahhh! No, don't touch me, who are you?! Did you come to kill me too!" Situ Xin looked at Situ Liu with a crazy look, obviously not normal anymore!

"Xin'er?!" Seeing Situ Xin's frightened face, Situ Liu worriedly stretched out his hand to Situ Xin, as if to comfort her, but unexpectedly, Situ Xin seemed to be greatly stimulated, and his throat swelled. Suddenly let out a roar that was almost like a beast, then opened his mouth fiercely, and viciously bit off a piece of flesh on Situ Liu's arm.

As if he directly bit off a piece of meat, Situ Xin ignored Situ Liu's scream of pain, spat out the piece of flesh and blood, and rushed out of bed madly.

 Recommend friend Anne Coco's new book "The Seduction Game: The President's Lucky Pregnant Wife"

  Adorable sweet pet president Wen yo~

(End of this chapter)

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