The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 795 This is not against the rules

Chapter 795 This is not against the rules

Seeing that Ye Qianyue had reached this point, Huo Qitian showed an anxious smile on his face, "I wonder if Miss Ye is willing to help our Huo family? We can assure you that what we promise to you will not Less than a star and a half!"

"I am willing to enter the door of the Huo family, so I am naturally willing to help the Huo family, and I not only want to help the Huo family out of trouble, but I don't need any reward from you." Ye Qianyue's tone was light, and those dark eyes danced With a cold look, it was obvious that he was not joking.

"How is this possible?! This is against the rules!" Hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Huo Qitian said in surprise.

"What I want, I will naturally get it back from the Situ family. Please rest assured, Patriarch Huo." Ye Qianyue said softly, with the same smile on her face.

"Since Miss Ye's words have reached this point, then Huo can't say anything more, I can only thank Miss for her kindness." Huo Qitian got up quickly, and then respectfully looked at Ye Qianyue bowed.

Seeing Huo Qitian like this, the smile on the corner of Ye Qianyue's mouth did not fade in the slightest.

Now that it has been decided, after the banquet, Ye Qianyue plunged into the secret room alone, and began to refine medicine nervously.

The amount of medicine needed at the beginning is naturally not small, and Ye Qianyue, with the help of Fenghunhuo and Shennongding, naturally has to go out and start refining medicine in person.

Here, the people of the Huo family have no time to help Ye Qianyue refine medicine, but according to Ye Qianyue's instructions, they quickly go to buy various medicinal materials that Ye Qianyue needs.

Among them, Si Linyuan and Mingxiu were the most free.

Waiting on both sides of the gate of the secret room where Ye Qianyue was, Si Linyuan and Mingxiu were both handsome and noble, attracting many young girls from the Huo family who were ready to move.

Especially Si Linyuan, he is different from Mingxiu's extremely cold appearance, his breath is deep, but also reveals a trace of arrogance unique to the king, enchanting like a flower in the dark night, his gestures are all touching, Those pair of graceful and luxurious golden eyes are like precious gemstones immersed in the bottom of clear water. If people look at them lightly, they can no longer escape from his charm.

Although they all knew that Si Linyuan and the two were the distinguished guests of the Huo family, but how could the spring-hearted girls take care of so many things, one after another, they slowly approached Si Linyuan and the two.

However, before the young women of the Huo family really got close to Si Linyuan, Si Linyuan glanced over with a cold look.

There seemed to be a mortal danger hidden in the extremely cold eyes, although it was just a light glance, it was enough to make people daunting.

Seeing Si Linyuan's obvious refusal, the hearts of the young girls of the Huo family shattered to the ground, not even a scum left.

Although a handsome man is good, he still has to save his life!
And drove away the countless girls of the Huo family with cold eyes, Si Linyuan then looked at Huo Fei with a bit of nervousness and anticipation, and walked over very cautiously.

Seeing the expression on Huo Fei's face, Si Linyuan narrowed his eyes sharply.

As if he didn't notice anything, Si Linyuan sat silently on the spot, watching Huo Fei striding over.

(End of this chapter)

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