The poisonous doctor concubine is about to turn the sky

Chapter 797 We 'get along' very well

Chapter 797 We 'get along' very well
Knowing that Si Linyuan was referring to him, Mingxiu's face remained motionless, and he just softly snorted, "You're dreaming."

The aura around the two of them suddenly condensed to the extreme, as if they would shoot at the same time in the next second, and then torture each other into scum.

But at this moment, the door of the secret room suddenly opened, and Ye Qianyue looked at the two people with a bit of fatigue in her brows and eyes, and then deliberately lowered her voice, "You two, No fooling around."

Ye Qianyue's understatement, but like a sea needle, instantly made the hostility around Si Linyuan and the two of them invisible and disappeared completely.

"Ah Yue, I was expecting you to come out." The coldness in Mingxiu's eyes disappeared immediately, and a little bit of tenderness melted in his eyes, and he looked at Ye Qianyue with a little excitement and said.

"Ayue, are you tired? How about I take you to rest." Si Linyuan naturally put his arms around Ye Qianyue's soft and slender waist, and let her lean against him gently.

Si Linyuan's embrace was indeed reassuring, and Ye Qianyue, who was a little tired, almost endured. Endured. Unbearable. Drowning in his embrace.

Seeing that all the medicinal materials in her hands and all the medicinal materials found by the Huo family have been refined into potions, Ye Qianyue was indeed tired, so she didn't resist right now, but nestled in Si Linyuan's arms obediently middle.

Even though she was tired, the aura around Ye Qianyue was still not weak at all, and those pitch-black eyes swept sharply across the faces of the two of them, "Are you two messing around again?"

But as soon as he came out, he felt the icy aura of Si Linyuan and the two of them. Ye Qianyue squinted her eyes slightly and asked every word.

After hearing Ye Qianyue's words, Si Linyuan and Mingxiu's bodies froze slightly involuntarily, and then returned to normal in an instant.

"How could it be? The two of us 'get along' very well." After saying this with no deep meaning, Si Linyuan's words fell, and the sharp gaze like a cold knife still did not forget to ruthlessly look at Mingxiu's face. scratched.

"Yes." With the same unfriendly expression, Mingxiu also gave Si Linyuan a cold look, then quickly looked at Ye Qianyue, and put on a gentle expression, "Ah Yue, if you are tired If so, go to rest quickly, and I will help you deliver the medicine to the Huo family."

She was indeed a little tired, Ye Qianyue raised her hand, and handed over the ring containing the liquid medicine to Mingxiu, "Tell Patriarch Huo that there are 310 bottles of medicine here, and let him look at it by himself." Set the price and start selling."

Seeing that Mingxiu nodded and agreed, Si Linyuan soon showed a successful smile on his face, then hugged Ye Qianyue, and looked at Mingxiu with raised eyebrows, "Then You have worked so hard, I will take Ah Yue down to rest."

Seeing Si Linyuan's brows and eyes full of complacency, Mingxiu instantly understood that he had been tricked, and his face became very funny for a while.

Laughing helplessly, Ye Qianyue was so high-profile all the way, and was carried back by Si Linyuan to the room arranged for her by the Huo family.

Kicking open the door, Si Linyuan waved his hand, and closed the door directly, and then pressed Ye Qianyue's thin lips without any explanation.

(End of this chapter)

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