Chapter 802

"What? How is this possible? Our Situ family has decades of reputation here, and our own family has a reputation...Ah!! What are you doing!?" Before the big gate could speak After finishing speaking, those mercenaries didn't bother to talk nonsense with him, they directly took out a bottle of potion from the counter on one side, opened the mouth of the big locker, and poured it down!

"You son of a bitch, do you still want to shirk your responsibility? I will let you taste what it is like to squat in the latrine today!"

After being forcefully poured with the potion, the big locker was so frightened that he quickly got up from the ground, but he didn't expect that it would be fine if he didn't get up, but when he got up, there was a burst of sharp pain It spread all over his stomach crazily, and soon he had an unbearable urge to rush to the toilet!

"Oh, oh, help!" There was a gurgling sound in the stomach, and the big locker can't control so much now, as if someone burned his butt, he rushed towards the direction of the latrine at a crazy speed.

Seeing this, the mercenaries immediately became more reasonable, raised their hands fiercely and slapped the counter, and roared furiously, "Call your master out, if you don't give an explanation, I will be at odds with you today!"

"Yes, it's irreconcilable!" So many mercenaries stood here, followed by such a roar, which scared the shit out of the guys in the pharmacy. They didn't dare to delay for a moment, and rushed out directly. Report to Situ Liu!

And before everyone in the Situ family could react, the news that their Situ family was selling fake medicines was like a gust of spring breeze, blowing through every corner of Liucheng!
All the mercenaries did not expect that the Situ family would use such indecent tricks, let alone that the Situ family was so shameless, they immediately united and rushed to Situ's house to ask for an explanation.

Originally, he was anxious about being hit by Ye Qianyue, but now there is another incident of counterfeit medicine. This repeated bad thing happened one after another, which really plunged the entire Situ family into a quagmire.


But compared to Situ's family's desperation, Huo's family is happy and happy.

Compared with the wave of frenzy at the beginning, the soul-clearing potion that can undo the fire poison is now a must-have for all mercenaries.

Although the consumption of this thing is not small, there is no need to take it every day, so after a week, the sales of the soul-clearing potion returned to normal, and the daily bottom-line supply can just be sold out. As for other healing potions, it is The supply is short of demand, and the entire Huo family has been suppressed for so many years. The sales volume these days has fully caught up with their previous year's sales!

And soon, the news of the Situ family's counterfeit medicine also spread quickly, causing those mercenaries who had cooled down to fall into a new round of madness again.

The medicines of the Huo family suddenly fell into the wave of being snapped up again, and the medicine for clearing the soul was still limited. As for the rest of the Huo family, they began to frantically refine the remaining four medicines, but the supply was still in short supply.

In the end, the Huo family could only recruit pharmacists from the Alchemy Association to help them refine medicine together.

The Situ family had already ambushed in the Alchemist Association, but the Huo family had been severely injured before. It was the time to be vigilant, and it was impossible to leak the prescription. Even the offshoots of the Huo family could only carry out a small fusion , As for the pharmacists recruited, they only have the role of refining the essence of medicinal materials.

(End of this chapter)

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